News & Events

Prince Edward Island road network update

February 1, 2007

On behalf of the Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is pleased to announce the release of the fourth edition of the Prince Edward Island portion of National Road Network (NRN) produced by the PEI Department of Transportation and Public Works (PEIDOT&PW) through the Engineering Services Section and carried out in the framework of a maintenance agreement between NRCan and PEIDOT&PW.

NRCan is proud to be associated with PEIDOT&PW and their efforts in maintaining the GeoBase NRN. The Engineering Services Section is to be congratulated for their continuing efforts in maintaining the NRN dataset in an accurate and current condition.

Data Change Management (DCM) files between 2006-03 and 2007-02 releases are also provided for this dataset.

All supporting documentation for NRN Data Change Management can be found within the following NRN GeoBase documents:

  • National Vector Data Identification Rules [pdf 61 KB]
  • National Vector Data Change Management [pdf 106 KB]