Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Current Issues Categories
Natural Disaster Category

Last Updated: November 13, 2007 14:43 EST
Still Valid: November 15, 2007 21:20 EST
Originally Posted: November 2, 2007 12:46 EDT

Mexico - Major Flooding in the States of Tabasco and Chiapas - natural disaster

Heavy rains have led to major flooding and landslides in the State of Tabasco, in southern Mexico, causing casualties and severely affecting road travel and sanitation. The Mexican government declared a state of emergency in several municipalities in this State, where the capital of Villahermosa is most heavily affected. Large waterways, including the Grijalva River, are still above critical levels. Floods and landslides have also affected areas in the north and centre of the State of Chiapas.
Although waters are receding and recovery efforts are underway, damage to infrastructure (buildings, telephone and power networks, roads, bridges and airports) and difficulties in accessing emergency services and water and food supplies could become a threat to the safety of travellers in these areas. Police and military presence has been increased to maintain law and order in both States.

Canadians currently in
Mexico should refrain from undertaking unnecessary overland travel in the affected areas until the situation has stabilized. They should monitor local news and weather reports, and follow the advice of local authorities. It is also advisable to take measures against water-borne and mosquito-borne diseases.

Canadians seeking further advice or emergency consular assistance in the area should contact the Embassy of Canada in
Mexico City at 52 (55) 5724-7900 Ext.: 3322, or the Emergency Operations Centre in Ottawa at 613-996-8885.

For advice on travel to
Mexico, see our Travel Report.