
Geobase data are separated into 6 themes

Geopolitical Boundaries
International, inter-provincial and territorial boundaries, as well as the boundaries of Canada's exclusive economic zone.
Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED)
National digital elevation model coverage at resolutions equivalent to 1:250,000 and 1:50,000 scales
Canadian Geodetic Network
Horizontal and vertical geodetic control information on the thousands of control points distributed across Canada.
Geobase Data Alignment Layer
Includes Landsat 7 Orthoimages and the ground control points used in their orthorectification.
Geographical Names of Canada
A subset of the Canadian Geographical Names Data Base.
National Road Network (NRN)
Continuous accurate centreline data for all non-restricted use roads in Canada.
National Hydro Network (NHN)
A quality geometric description and a set of basic attributes describing Canada's inland surface waters.

GeoBase data are governed by the GeoBase Unrestricted Use Licence Agreement. With this licence, users are granted a non-exclusive, fully paid, royalty-free right and licence to exercise all intellectual property rights in the data. This includes the right to use, incorporate, sublicense (with further right of sublicensing), modify, improve, further develop, and distribute the data; and to manufacture and/or distribute Derivative Products.