
Most of Geobase data are produced under partnership between federal, provincial and territorial agencies. Geobase partners are involved in different levels of the data production process such as project funding, sharing of source data or by working on data collection and data processing.

See the list of partners involved in data production of these following Geobase layers:

Digital Elevation Data Partners

With funding support from GeoConnections, Natural Resources Canada along with the following provincial agencies jointly produced the Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED) files.

Provincial Agencies

British Columbia
Integrated Land Management Bureau
Sustainable Resource Development
Ministry of Natural Resources
Nova Scotia
Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
Yukon Department of Highways & Public Works

Federal Agencies

Natural Resources Canada
Canadian Forest Services
Centre for Topographic Information

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National Road Network Partners

The success and sustainability of the GeoBase NRN initiative is based on the growing number of partners involved in maintaining it. Federal, provincial and even several municipal 'closest to the source' providers are now embarked in the GeoBase NRN initiative.

The emphasis is on working together by leveraging our resources in order to create a common, current, homogeneous and standardized representation of Canada's National Road Network.

National Road Network Maintenance

The maintenance of the National Road Network data is funded through negotiated joint federal/provincial/territorial agreements. The renewed GeoConnections program provides opportunities for co-funded projects to active partners through the Framework Data Maintenance opportunity/ GeoBase datasets. The map below shows jurisdictions where a negotiated maintenance agreement is in place.

Index of maintenance status
green NRN Maintenance agreement in place for geometry and basic attributes (as of April 2007)
orange NRN Maintenance agreement in place for geometry, basic attributes, street and place names (as of April 2007)
yellow NRN Maintenance agreement in place for geometry, basic attributes, street and place names and block face address ranges (as of April 2007)

While the goal is to continue to expand the use of partnerships to build collaborative working relationships for the management and maintenance of the NRN, the following organizations are 'closest to the source' partners actively working as the authoritative data providers of GeoBase's National Road Network:

Provincial and Territorial Agencies

British Columbia
Integrated Land Management Bureau
Infrastructure and Transportation
Information Services Corporation
Manitoba Conservation
Land Information Ontario
Prince Edward Island
Transportation and Public Works
Nova Scotia
Geographic Information Services
Newfoundland & Labrador
Environment and Conservation - Lands - Surveys and Mapping
Yukon Government
Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories Centre for Geomatics

Federal Agencies

Natural Resources Canada
Centre for Topographic Information
Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada

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Landsat 7 Orthoimages Partners

With funding support from GeoConnections, the following federal and provincial/territorial agencies jointly contributed to the production of the orthoimages.

Provincial and Territorial Agencies

British Columbia
Integrated Land Management Bureau
Sustainable Resource Development
Information Services Corporation of Saskatchewan
Remote Sensing Centre
Ministry of Natural Resources
Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune
New Brunswick
Service New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
Taxation and Property Commissioner
Nova Scotia
Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
Newfoundland and Labrador
Government Services
Highways and Public Works - Geomatics Yukon
Northwest Territories
Centre for Geomatics
Department of Sustainable Development

Federal Agencies

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Geographical Names Partners


The Geographical Names Board of Canada (GNBC) is comprised of 27 members. Its Chair is appointed by the Minister of Natural Resources Canada. Each of the provinces and territories is represented, so also are various federal departments concerned with mapping, archives, defence, translation, Indian reserves, national parks and statistics. As well, the Chairs of two advisory committees (one on toponymy policy and research, the other on automation and delineation) serve as full members of the GNBC.

List of Geographical Names Board of Canada members.


The GNBC's Secretariat is provided by Natural Resources Canada. It is headed by an Executive Secretary who, in concert with the Chair and the representatives of the various federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions, handles on behalf of the GNBC, all routine toponymic matters relating to Canada.

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