Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG)

The Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG), created in 1972, is the major federal-provincial-territorial consultative body for geographic information management. CCOG meets twice a year, to provide a forum for exchanging information on programs, to consider common operational issues, to discuss proposed legislation relevant to geomatics (particularly land surveying), and to develop and promote national geomatics standards. CCOG has endorsed the vision and principles behind GeoBase, supports the GeoBase action plan and has commissioned a GeoBase Steering Committee to carry out its objectives.

Terms of Reference Revision adopted on October 2000

A. Introduction

There shall be a federal provincial territorial consultative body for geomatics called the Canadian Council on Geomatics (hereafter the "Council") on which the governments of Canada and each province and territory shall be represented. Geomatics is defined as the science of managing, gathering, analyzing, distributing, and using information related to a geographic location.

B. Aims
The aims of the Council shall be to:
  1. Provide a consultative forum of federal, provincial and territorial government representatives for such purposes as:
    1. the consideration and discussion of important common issues and concerns
    2. the exchange of information on current and future programs
    3. the discussion of proposed legislation of general interest
    4. the presentation and discussion of reports on achievements, organizational changes, new ideas, technology and procedures developed during the preceding year or to be developed in future
  2. Develop, promote and promulgate national and international geomatics standards
  3. Work together to support a Canadian geospatial data infrastructure
  4. Promote cooperation and the exchange of geomatics data to reduce duplication of effort and to facilitate easy access to and use of geographical information by all Canadians
  5. Formulate recommendations and resolutions as are from time to time deemed appropriate
C. Membership
The members of the Council shall be the delegations of the governments of Canada, the provinces and the territories. Those comprising these delegations will usually represent their government's major geomatics organizations (responsible for the provision, standardization and coordination of geospatially referenced data). Each delegation shall designate one representative as the chief delegate who will serve as the primary contact to coordinate input and follow-up related to CCOG business on behalf of their government.
D. Chair
The Chair shall be the chief delegate (or designate) representing the host jurisdiction and shall assume office on the termination of the previous annual meeting.
E. Meetings
The Council shall meet at least annually, at a place to be determined at the previous annual meeting. Annual meetings hosted by provincial or territorial governments will alternate between eastern and western Canada. Occasional annual meetings will be hosted by the federal government in Ottawa or elsewhere. Special meetings of the Council may be called for cause upon 30 days written notice, by the Chair or by agreement of at least three chief delegates with written notice to the Chair.
F. Governance
The Council normally conducts its business by consensus. In instances of Council matters requiring a vote, the chief delegates will vote on behalf of their delegations.
G. Voting Process
For the purposes of voting, majority means more than 60% of the chief delegates. In the case of a mail vote, majority means more than 60% of the chief delegates.
H. Guests
The Chair may invite guests representing professional or educational organizations or institutions. Members may also invite guests with the consent of the Chair.
I. Committees
The Council may by resolution appoint working committees to carry out tasks with specific terms of reference.
J. Secretariat
The Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada will provide a secretariat for the Council. The Secretariat of CCOG will maintain the current list of delegates from each government, including all chief delegates. This list will be circulated to all delegates to facilitate consultation and coordination throughout the year. The Secretariat will ask each delegation to confirm its chief delegate immediately prior to each annual meeting.
K. Amending procedures
Any proposed amendment to these terms of reference must be circulated to all members at least 30 days prior to the vote. The proposed amendment will be adopted upon the passing of a majority vote as defined in section G above.