Canadian Base Network


With a new focus on positioning from space, Geodetic Survey has created a dynamic infrastructure to serve both present and future needs for positioning. The Canadian Base Network is designed to serve as the new ground segment of monumented survey control in the Canadian Spatial Reference System (CSRS). The Canadian Base Network is a network of pillar monuments with forced-centring plates, positioned three-dimensionally with GPS to centimetre-level accuracy with respect to the Canadian Active Control System (CACS). It provides the link between the existing framework and the CACS. The network consists of an array of pillars at an average spacing of 200 km in the built-up areas of southern Canada, 500 km in the middle regions of Canada, and 1000 km in the northern areas. As well as being a GPS control network, the Canadian Base Network can serve as a monitoring network for deformation studies of the Canadian landmass.


For more details on standards and specifications, see Canadian Base Network, Product Specifications [pdf 113 KB] and Canadian Spatial Reference System Data Model [pdf 191 KB].


For a complete description of collection metadata, see the Canadian Base Network, Collection Metadata.

Use and Restrictions

All distributed Canadian Base Network datasets should be accessed and used relatively to the GeoBase Unrestricted Use Licence Agreement.

Data Format

Canadian Base Network datafiles are available in both GML (Geography Markup Language) and ESRI Shape files.

Free Data Viewer

As a service to GeoBase users we are providing links to some free viewers. However, GeoBase does not endorse and does not provide any kind of support for any of these viewers.