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Integrated Method for Power
RETScreen International

Our international database facilitates the development of new small hydro projects of more than 50 kW and less than 10MW installed capacity. We provide data for potential and developed sites, GIS searching capabilities, country profiles, international contacts for small hydro, and more.

Don't miss out on new opportunities; come see what it's all about!

News Keep up-to-date with announcements, events, and other news related to small hydro.
Sites Atlas Query small hydro sites using a GIS map, search our database and view snap-shots of small hydro in countries around the world.
Planning View our outline and resource links for planning, construction and operation phases of a small hydro project.
Library Search our library and download small-hydro documents, technical reports and software.
Contacts Make connections using our database of contacts and organizations active in the small-hydro industry.

12-Oct-2006 - International Workshop on Small-sized Hydroelectric Station Construction, Nov. 16-30, 2006, Wuhan, China

27-Sep-2006 - Workshop Proceedings - IEA/Canada Joint Small and Medium Hydro Workshop

27-Sep-2006 - Small Hydropower: way out of energy crisis in Pakistan

22-Feb-2006 - Nepal Small Hydro Site Awarded Blue Planet Prize Award

23-Jan-2006 - Canadian Small Hydro Site Awarded Blue Planet Prize Award