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The Bond Between Handler and Dog

B - Believe in the dog

O -Observe the dog
N - Nurture (educate) the dog
D - Depend on one another

B - Believe in the dog is of prime importance.
Many actual cases illustrate this point. If the handler has the tendency to lead the dog while tracking, they will never become a proficient team since the dog will soon become discouraged and refuse to work properly. It is the duty of every dog handler to follow and investigate indications made by the dog, no matter how impossible it may seem.

Example of an actual case:

A police service dog indicates a garbage can. The dog handler considers chastising the dog. Mentally alert, the dog handler lifts the lid of the garbage can and finds the stolen goods inside. The dog handler stakes out the area and a short time later arrests the subject when they return for the loot.

If the dog handler believes in the dog, greater success and appreciation will follow. It is not intended that the handler should follow blindly behind the dog. One must remember that it is a team effort and that the handler must be mentally alert and assist when necessary; however, he should not doubt the ability of his charge.

O - Observe the dog.
Each dog must be treated with individual consideration, the reason being that each dog communicates or indicates through actions in a different manner. The dog handler must observe in order to interpret the actions of the dog. If the dog handler is not mentally alert, he may miss the indication of the dog or he may misinterpret an indication and this could mean the difference between success and failure.

N - Nurture (educate) the dog.

The word "nurture" pertains not only to diet, but also to the education of the dog. Some people feel that there is no limit to what a dog can be taught. Thanks to the use of imagination and hard work, a dog can become a very effective instrument. Here again, it is the duty of the dog handler to contribute as much as possible to the education of his charge. If actual working conditions are simulated, the dog will become very proficient and confident. The more time one spends with the dog, the closer the union will become between handler and dog. One must remember that the dog is learning all the time he is with the handler.

D - Depend on one another.
The dog must depend on the handler for its very existence. It is the duty of the handler to care for the dog in all respects and in the best possible way. On the other hand, the handler must depend on the dog, hence a mutual feeling of dependence. The dog is the handler's so called "bread and butter". If the handler has followed all the instructions he received, passed the knowledge on to his dog through training and completed his responsibilities, then the handler has a proficient helper, one proficient enough on whom he can depend. Therefore the dependence is mutual.

Proficient Working Team
The bond between handler and dog may be described as one of "feeling for one another"; however, it should be explored much more deeply since without a bond, one does not have a proficient working team.

The motivation of the handler is one point that must be considered. If a handler's motive for working with a dog is that of personal gain or prestige, then there will be a gap in the bond. On the other hand, if their motive is the pleasure and satisfaction attained in working with the dog, then there is a better chance of the bond forming.

The bond between handler and dog does not come about immediately, but is a gradual process which takes time, in some teams longer than in others. One prime factor is that the handler must like the dog. Throughout, mention has been made of dogs being individuals and as such have certain traits that are reflected. These may be referred to as personality traits which are taken up by the prospective handler. If the handler does not like the personality of a certain dog, it is his duty to make his feelings known to his superior. Dislike of the dog on the part of the handler will reflect on the dog and the feeling will be mutual, resulting in no bond.

It is imperative that a bond is formed in order for a successful team to be produced. The handler and the dog are the only two that will know when the bond has been formed, but an experienced trainer can see the rapport between the two.

"To a Dog" - A story that illustrates how faithful a dog is.


