Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada

Reference: Guideline for Federally Regulated Pension Plans

Subject: Derivatives Best Practices

The following guideline is being sent to all federally regulated pension plans.

The guideline outlines factors that the Superintendent of Financial Institutions expects federally regulated pension plans to consider when incorporating derivative instruments into their investment and risk management policies. Administrators should note that compliance with this guideline may not necessarily suffice to discharge their general duty to be prudent (i.e. meet standard of care). OSFI recognizes that administrators of pension plans may engage outside investment managers to manage investment portfolios on behalf of plans. We would ask that plan administrators share this guideline with their third party managers.

The guideline establishes the need for documented policies and procedures on the use of derivatives pertaining to investment strategy, internal control and management of market, credit, liquidity, settlement, legal and operation risks. It also requires that pension plan management satisfy itself that the plan has authorization for the funds to be invested in derivatives and that its counterparties have the legal authority to engage in derivatives transactions.

Neither derivatives nor the individual risks inherent in them are, by themselves, new. However, the growing complexity, diversity and volume of derivatives products, facilitated by rapid advances in technology and communications, poses increasing challenges to managing these risks. Administrators of pension plans that begin to make use of derivatives as limited end-users and that commence active position-taking must first have the appropriate policies and procedures in place as well as the capability to implement them. Administrators of pension plans that would like to utilize pension funds to actively take positions with derivatives are required to consult with OSFI Pension Benefits Officers to obtain best practices guideline for this activity. Pension plan management cannot utilize pension funds to act as dealers with derivative instruments. Compliance with this guideline will address these concerns.

This document may be obtained by contacting Caroline Ossa at (613) 990-7655 or by fax at (613) 952-8219.

Nicholas Le Pan
Deputy Superintendent
