Institutional links

Link to the Working in Canada Tool

Part of the Going to Canada Immigration Portal (, the Working in Canada Tool ( is meant to assist prospective immigrants and new Canadians in finding out what their occupation is called in Canada and provide them with a detailed labour market report on the selected occupation and a city where you would like to work.

For further information on the content and on this Government of Canada site, please consult the Important Notices section.

How to describe the Working in Canada Tool

Short Version:

Developed by the Government of Canada, the Working in Canada Tool ( can help you learn about Canada's labour market and search for employment facts by occupation and city, town or region.

Long Version:

Developed by the Government of Canada and part of the Going to Canada Immigration Portal (, the Working in Canada Tool is meant to assist you in finding out what your occupation is called in Canada and to provide you with a detailed labour market report on the selected occupation and a city where you would like to work.

This Tool helps prospective immigrants prepare for employment in Canada before departure and after arrival by providing users with labour market reports tailored to a specific occupation and geographic area (city, town or region).

Direct Link to the Tool

The Working in Canada Tool can be accessed directly through the following link:

Images and Banners

In order to facilitate direct links to the Working in Canada Tool, the following banners have been created. To make it easier to incorporate any of our banners into your HTML source code, simply copy the code next to the banner graphic and paste it into your Web page.

Working in Canada Tool Banner - Style 1 (600x80 pixels)

Going to Canada Banner

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Working in Canada Tool" border="0"/></a>

Working in Canada Tool Banner - Style 2 (with occupation type-in option) (600x80 pixels)

    Type in your occupation:
<!-- Begin Web Search Box -->
<FORM ACTION="" target="_blank">
<table border="0" width="598" height="81" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="">
<td width="330">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="left" valign=middle><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Type
in your occupation:</strong></font><br/><strong><font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">&nbsp;
<input type="text" size="20" name="titleKeyword"></font></strong>&nbsp;
<input type=image src="" name="Submit" alt="Find It!" border="0">
<!-- End Web Search Box -->

Working in Canada Tool Rectangular Banner (75x145 pixels)

Working in Canada Tool

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Working in Canada Tool" border="0"/></a>

Working in Canada Tool Square Button (100x100 pixels)

Working in Canada Tool

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Working in Canada Tool" border="0"/></a>

If you have any questions about linking to the Working in Canada Tool, please use the Contact Us button.