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Going To Canada Immigration Portal

Every year, Canada welcomes thousands of new residents. Coming to Canada as an immigrant is an exciting opportunity, but also a great challenge. Going to Canada Web site

The Going to Canada Immigration Portal provides seamless on-line information and services from a variety of government and non-government sources to help immigrants make informed decisions about coming to Canada and better prepare them, before they arrive, for integration into the Canadian labour market and society.

The portal helps prepare prospective immigrants, international students, foreign workers and newcomers for living and working in Canada by:

  • providing a primary point of access to authoritative information, services and tools that will allow them to make informed decisions about settling in different regions of Canada;
  • increasing awareness of the opportunities, challenges and barriers awaiting prospective immigrants, so that they may better prepare for the labour market before coming to Canada;
  • making local connections through links with provinces, territories, municipalities and communities; and
  • highlighting Canada as a destination of choice for skilled immigrants.

Visit the Going to Canada Immigration PortalSite du Gouvernnement du Canada today.