DFO GeoBrowser On-line Help The DFO GeoBrowser allows users to browse maps made available by DFO. This Help document provides an introduction to the components of the Browser and how to use them.

Click on Image for detailed instructions for each map function:

GeoBrowser Save/Print Related Documents Login Choose a Map Legend Zoom Box Zoom In Zoom Out Recenter Get Details Reset to Original Scale Small/Big Map Zoom to Region Locator Map Pan West Pan East Pan South Pan North Pan North-East Pan South-East Pan South-West Pan North-West My Maps Center on placename

What do you want to learn?

  1. Save / Print
  2. Related Documents
  3. Build New Map
  4. Login
  5. Choose Map
  6. Map Navigation
  7. Get Details
  8. Small Map / Big Map
  9. Reset to Original Scale
  10. Legend
  11. Locator Map
  12. Center On Placename
  13. Zoom to Region