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National Parks of Canada

Acts and Regulations


NOTE: Users of this document are reminded that it is prepared for convenience of reference only and that, as such, it has no official sanction


Proposed legislation is called a bill. The submission of a bill to Parliament for enactment is a fundamental part of Canada's democratic system of government. A bill becomes an Act when it is passed into law by Parliament. 

An Act is the most formal expression of the will of the State. It is a form of written law that is made by Parliament. Acts originate as bills, which are introduced in either the Senate or the House of Commons. Each of Parliament's three parts (Her Majesty, the Senate and the House of Commons) must approve a bill before it becomes law. The parliamentary approval process is referred to as enactment. The Acts listed below provide the legal framework for Parks Canada.

(The preceding text is adapted from Department of Justice Canada, A Guide to the Making of Federal Acts and Regulations (Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, 1996), p.9)


Regulations are a form of law, often referred to as delegated or subordinate legislation. They have the same binding legal effect as Acts; however, regulations are not made by Parliament. Rather, they are made by persons or bodies to whom Parliament has delegated the authority to make them, such as the Governor in Council, a minister or an administrative agency. Authority to make regulations must be expressly delegated by an Act. Acts that authorize the making of regulations are called enabling Acts.

An Act may set out the framework of a regulatory scheme and delegate the authority to develop the details and express them in regulations. Or, an Act may do little more than delegate authority, leaving the substance and detail of the scheme to be dealt with in regulations.

(The preceding text is adapted from Department of Justice Canada, A Guide to the Making of Federal Acts and Regulations (Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, 1996), p.15)


Acts pertaining specifically to creation of protected heritage areas:


Regulations pertaining to National Parks, under the National Parks Act:

Regulations pertaining to National Historic Sites, under the Canada National Parks Act:

Other Regulations

Contraventions Regulations pertaining to National Parks:

  • Contraventions Regulations, Schedule I.01 - Canada National Parks Act

Last Updated: 2006-11-17 To the top
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