Government of Canada

Canada Learning Bond

The Canada Learning Bond (CLB) program contributes a $500 bond to Registered Education Savings Plans opened by families receiving the National Child Benefit Supplement under the Canada Revenue Agency's Canada Child Tax Benefit program.

Eligibility Information

  • The child's family must receive the National Child Benefit Supplement.

Children must meet the following criteria:

Application Information

  • Information on RESPs and CLB application procedures is available from banks, mutual fund and brokerage companies, insurance and trust companies, companies and foundations that specialize in education savings plans, and other financial institutions.

Financial Information

  • The children qualify for $100 Bond instalments until age 15 for each year their family is entitled to the Supplement.
  • The Bond is paid into an RESP established by the family.
  • The first Canada Learning Bond payment includes an additional $25 to help cover the cost of opening the RESP account.

Contact Information

  • General Inquiries: 1 888 276-3624