The Daily
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Government business enterprises: Finances

2005 and 2006

Federal government-owned business enterprises (GBEs), including monetary authorities, earned an after-tax profit of $6.3 billion in 2006, down 0.2% from 2005.

Contrary to federal GBEs, provincial/territorial GBEs posted higher after-tax profits of $18.1 billion in 2005, up 13.7% from 2004.

After provision for income tax, local GBEs had a net income of $894 million in 2005, an increase of 10.9% from 2004.

GBEs are government controlled, public financial and non-financial corporations engaged in commercial operations involving the sale of goods and services to the public in the marketplace.

Data refer to the fiscal year ending nearest to December 31, 2006 for federal GBEs, and December 31, 2005 for provincial/territorial and local GBEs.

Among federal GBEs, the monetary authorities, primarily the Bank of Canada and the Exchange Fund Account, are the main contributors to total profits. In 2006, they accounted for almost 60% of total profits or $3.7 billion, an increase of $0.2 billion from 2005.

Federal GBEs had total assets, including fixed assets, of $186.5 billion in 2006, up 6.6% from 2005, while total liabilities rose 5.5% to $170.9 billion. The total net worth of federal GBEs amounted to $15.6 billion, an increase of 20% from 2005. Since 2001, the total net worth of federal GBEs has more than doubled.

For provincial/territorial GBEs, lottery, gaming and liquor enterprises are usually the main contributors to total profits. In 2005, they accounted for almost 60% of profits, or $10.7 billion, an increase of $0.4 billion from 2004.

The total income of provincial/territorial GBEs increased 9.3% to $100.4 billion in 2005, while their total expenses rose 8.4% to $82.4 billion.

The total net worth of provincial/territorial GBEs in 2005 amounted to $29.9 billion, up 22.4% from 2004. Their total assets rose 4.9% to $228.5 billion, while liabilities were up 2.7% to $198.6 billion.

The total income of local GBEs increased 6.9% in 2005 to reach $17.8 billion. The increase was concentrated in transportation (urban transit), electricity distribution and gas distribution.

The 2005 income increase was the result of strong growth in revenue from the sales of goods and services, subsidies and other income. Goods and services sales increased 8.7% and 12.6% in transportation and gas distribution respectively. Subsidies increased 16.3% for transportation GBEs.

Local GBE aggregate income continued an upward trend due mainly to growth in the transportation and gas industries. Local government transportation and gas distribution income has grown 90% and 180% respectively since 1995, whereas local government electricity and telephone industries continued to report growth in total income since 2003.

In 2005, total expenses of local GBEs increased 7% to $16.8 billion. Much like the income increase, the expense increase occurred mainly in transportation, electricity distribution and gas distribution.

The 2005 total expenses increase was caused by increases in material and other purchases (+6%) and other expenses (+47%). Debt charges increased 16%, while depreciation expenses remained at the same level as in 2004.

Note: Data for federal enterprises other than monetary authorities have been revised downward from 2001 to 2005 to address a double counting in the sales of goods and services. Data for provincial enterprises have been revised downward from 2001 to 2004 to address minor processing issues. Local government telephone enterprise statistics have also been revised from 2001 to 2004. Statistics for prior years could not be revised and, as a result, are not fully comparable with those of the more recent period.

Available on CANSIM: tables 385-0011 to 385-0013, 385-0015 and 385-0016.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 1730.

Additional information on provincial and territorial liquor authorities can be found in The Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada (63-202-XWE, free), now available from the Publications module of our website.

Data tables are also available in the National Economic Accounts module of our website.

Data are also available through custom and special tabulation. For more information on the products or services of the Public Institutions Division, contact Jo-Anne Thibault (613-951-0767;, Public Institutions Division.

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Claude Vaillancourt concerning federal and provincial government business enterprises (613-951-1820;, and Aldo Diaz concerning local government business enterprises (613-951-8563;, Public Institutions Division.

Federal government enterprises, after-tax profits

Fiscal year ended nearest to December 31

  2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
  $ millions
Total income 22,364 22,305 22,342 22,997 23,771
Financial enterprises 10,020 10,305 9,344 9,803 10,379
Non-financial enterprises 12,344 12,000 12,998 13,194 13,392
Total expenses 16,819 16,033 17,461 16,119 16,949
Financial enterprises 4,350 4,241 2,953 3,260 3,644
Non-financial enterprises 12,469 11,792 14,508 12,859 13,305
Net income (loss) before provision for income tax 5,545 6,271 4,881 6,879 6,823
Provision for income tax 377 272 558 554 513
Net income (loss) after provision for income tax 5,168 5,999 4,324 6,325 6,310
Note:Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.

Provincial and territorial government enterprises, after-tax profits

Fiscal year ended nearest to December 31

  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
  $ millions
Total Canada 11,126 11,816 13,143 15,887 18,067
Newfoundland and Labrador 198 211 83 237 231
Prince Edward Island 24 27 28 27 32
Nova Scotia 353 345 340 349 348
New Brunswick 216 142 219 253 468
Quebec 2,975 3,360 3,503 4,380 4,811
Ontario 3,319 3,169 4,296 4,734 6,285
Manitoba 655 532 67 723 1,056
Saskatchewan 498 557 790 910 726
Alberta 1,764 1,815 1,942 2,007 2,105
British Columbia 1,102 1,624 1,829 2,215 1,960
Yukon 9 10 11 12 11
Northwest Territories 28 30 30 29 30
Nunavut -15 -6 6 9 4

Local government enterprises finance

Fiscal year ended nearest to December 31

  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
  $ millions
Total income 16,753 15,452 16,659 16,687 17,843
Total expenses 15,802 14,529 15,772 15,713 16,815
Net income (loss) before provision for income tax 951 923 887 974 1,028
Provision for income tax -7 81 80 168 134
Net income (loss) after provision for income tax 958 842 807 806 894
Note:Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding.

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