Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

All of us have different visions of what our retirement will be like. Some people dream of having the flexibility to spend more time with friends and family, to travel and to participate in recreational activities. No matter what your vision for retirement is, you need to plan now for your retirement income. Where will your retirement income come from?

If you think that you're too young to start planning your retirement, consider these facts: A photograph of a man pruning a hedge.

  1. Fewer than half of workers in Canada are covered by employer pension plans.

  2. People are starting to save earlier for retirement.

  3. Your retirement could last a very long time - almost as long as your working years.

It's simple - it's never too early to plan if you want to maintain your lifestyle after you retire.

Retirement planning is an important part of your overall financial plan. Planning for long- as well as short-term goals will help you set priorities and realize more of your dreams.

There is a wealth of information available about retirement - so much that it can be difficult to know where to start. This information provides an overview of Canada's retirement income system. It gives you an idea of possible sources for your retirement income, so that you can get a head start in building a secure financial future.

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