For International Business

Value Chain Roundtables

Competing and winning in an increasingly fierce global marketplace requires all players pulling in the same direction. Consumers are demanding safer, better and healthier products. They want more variety and more innovation. No one individual player can provide all of this on their own.

This reality is shining the light on the importance of value chains and the opportunities for Canada if players at all levels of industry can work effectively together. This type of cooperation could create a tremendous advantage for Canada over its competitors and is the focal point of the Value Chain Roundtable initiative.

Industry leaders and governments have been working together since early 2003 to create and advance the agendas of roundtables for the beef, pork, seafood, special crops, cereal grains, oilseeds and horticulture industries. An eighth roundtable was established for the organic sector in late 2006. These groups bring together players from all points in the value chain - producers, processors, retailers and others - to build and implement a shared strategic vision for their sectors.

This website is a window into the workings of the national roundtables. It is designed to provide all stakeholders across Canada's diverse industry up-to-date information on emerging roundtable priorities and strategies and to help encourage dialogue.

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