Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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Fisher Fined, too Many Nets
February  15, 2007

St. John’s – Steve Careen of Torbay was convicted in St. John’s Provincial Court on January 12, 2007, for violating conditions of his groundfish licence.

Mr. Careen was fined $2,000 for fishing for skate and monkfish with more than the permitted maximum of 200 nets. In addition, he was ordered to pay $4,500 for outstanding fines from previous convictions for fisheries offences.

On June 16, 2004, as part of regular procedure, a fisheries observer was assigned a fishing trip with Mr. Careen. The fisheries observer informed Mr. Careen that he was in violation of the conditions of his groundfish licence for having set too many nets.

Mr. Careen failed to reduce the number of nets, which resulted in charges laid by fishery officers of the Bay Roberts Detachment.

Protest fishery fine

Harbour Grace, NL – James Morgan of St. John’s was fined $100 in Harbour Grace Provincial Court on January 11, 2007, for recreational cod fishing during a closed time.

On July 30, 2006, fishery officers of the Bay Roberts Detachment on patrol in Conception Bay inspected a vessel belonging to James Morgan and found fishing rods prepared for fishing and two Atlantic cod.

During the investigation, Mr. Morgan stated that the fish were caught as part of an illegal protest fishery.

Illegal salmon fishing conviction

Gander, NL – Two men from St. Brendan’s were convicted in Gander Provincial Court on January 8, 2007, for fishing salmon during a closed time. Micheal Kean was fined $2,000 and David Walsh $1,000. Both individuals were placed on probation with orders not to engage in recreational fishing for one year.

On July 5, 2006, fishery officers of the Clarenville Detachment observed two men hauling and tending nets. Fishery officers apprehended the two men when they returned to shore and began removing salmon nets from their boat.

In addition to the fines, forfeitures to the Crown included two salmon nets, 10 salmon, and a 16 ft. open boat and motor.




Sam Whiffen
Communications Officer
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
709 -772-7631



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    Last updated: 2007-02-15

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