Vote for a new pear name:

Vote for a New Pear Name

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists in Vineland, Ontario, have developed a new pear adapted to the Canadian climate. And it now needs a name!

Dr. David Hunter, the plant breeder who developed the pear, is asking Canadians to help him choose a name for his new pear by voting for their favourite name. Traditionally, the name of the fruit includes a reference to the research centre where it was bred to help identify where the plants originate. For example, pears coming from the pear breeding program in Vineland (which was formerly located in Harrow, Ontario) are named with the prefix 'Har', 'Harrow' or 'AC' for Agriculture Canada.

Voting closes on January 31st, 2008.

The name of the new pear will be announced at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Conference in St. Catharines, Ontario, in February 2008.