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Volume 1, 2007

Inside this issue:

Freight Technology Demonstration Fund

What it does

Provides cost-shared funding to the freight transportation industry for real-world testing of freight transportation technologies that have the potential to reduce the emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHG).

Examples of eligible projects under the program include, but are not limited to:

  • implementation of fleet management best practices
  • integration of technologies to reduce fuel consumption
  • installation of aerodynamic devices to reduce drag on moving trailers

Who can apply?

Freight carriers, technology providers, eligible facility operators, freight forwarders, shippers, educational and academic institutions, industry associations, and not-for-profit organizations.

Non-Canadian institutions are also eligible for funding if the demonstration would generate benefits for Canadians.

How do I apply?

Applications are now being accepted for the first funding round. If you are interested in applying to the program, please read the applicant's guide and submit the application form.

http://www.tc.gc.ca/programs/environment/ecofreight/programdemo-eng.htmThis link opens a new window.

Deadline for Round 1 is November 1, 2007.

The expected deadlines for future rounds are:

  • Round 2 – April 2008
  • Round 3 – October 2008
  • Round 4 – April 2009

How does it work?

Projects can be funded for a maximum of:

  • 50 percent of project total eligible costs
  • $500,000 over a two-year period

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Freight Technology Incentive Program

Incentive program image

Providing cost-shared funding to companies and non-profit organizations in freight transportation to help them purchase and install proven emissionreducing technologies.

What it does

Provides cost-shared funding to support the purchase and installation of proven technologies that can reduce the emissions of air pollutants and GHGs throughout the freight transportation system.

Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to:

  • purchase of diesel anti-idling equipment for airports, ports, rail yards and trucking stations
  • purchase of hybrid-switching locomotives
  • purchase of electronic speed-control systems

Who can Apply?

Canadian and non-Canadian private enterprises, including not-for-profit organizations, that operate freight transportation in Canada using any of the four modes (air, marine, rail, and road).

Examples include air carriers, railways, trucking companies, marine carriers, and eligible port and airport facilities.

How do I apply?

Applications are now being accepted for the first funding round. If you are interested in applying to the program, please read the applicant's guide and submit the application form.

programincentive-eng.htmThis link opens a new window.

Deadline for Round 1 is November 1, 2007.

The expected deadlines for future rounds are:

  • Round 2 – April 2008
  • Round 3 – October 2008
  • Round 4 – April 2009

How does it work?

Projects can be funded to a maximum of:

  • 50 percent of project total eligible costs
  • $500,000 over a two-year period

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The ecoAUTO program encourages Canadians to buy fuel-efficient vehicles by offering rebates ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 towards the purchase of more fuel-efficient vehicles that meet the required criteria.


The ecoMOBILITY program helps municipalities reduce urban passenger transportation emissions by increasing transit ridership and the use of other sustainable transportation options.


The ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles program involves purchasing and testing advanced technologies and showcasing them at public events across Canada.

http://www.ecoAction.gc.caThis link opens a new window.

ecoENERGY for Fleets

ecoENERGY for Fleets is a program offered by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) (www.fleetsmart.gc.ca) that introduces fleets to energy-efficient practices that can reduce fuel consumption and GHG emissions. FleetSmart is a component of this program, offering free practical advice on how energy-efficient vehicles and business practices can reduce fleet operating costs, improve productivity and increase competitiveness.

Fuel Saving Information

  • Fuel calculator
  • Idle-Free Quiet Zone Campaign
  • Fuel Management 101 workshop
  • Alternative fuels
  • Idle-Free Zone – tools and resources
  • Other fuel saving ideas

Smart Driver Training

  • for Highway trucking (and Mark Dalton self study)
  • for Forestry
  • in the City
  • for Motor Coach
  • for Transit
  • for School Bus

ecoENERGY for Personal Vehicles

ecoENERGY for Personal Vehicles provides Canadian motorists with tips about buying, driving and maintaining their vehicles to reduce fuel consumption and GHG emissions that contribute to climate change. Reducing fuel consumption means saving money and, more importantly, helping the environment.


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It’s Your Turn…to Tell Us

Over the last ten years, FleetSmart has provided its members with practical advice and business practices to help reduce fleet operating costs, improve productivity, and save the environment. Due to the launch of the new ecoENERGY for Fleets and because the industry is rapidly changing, FleetSmart wants to ensure that we are on track.

We are asking our members if our products and information are helping you and your fleets to become more fuel-efficient.

FleetSmart provides:

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Coming Soon…

  • a new Welcome package
  • new tips
  • Show Me The Savings
  • new collaborations
  • educational DVDs
  • a FleetSmart conference
  • a new heavy duty calculator to track fuel consumption for gasoline and diesel/biodiesel engines
  • expansion of the Idle-Free Quiet Zone campaign
  • additional SmartDriver workshops
  • a Web tool to calculate a baseline annual fuel consumption and GHG emissions from fleet inventory
  • additional Fuel Management 101 workshops
  • e-learning courses
  • focus test groups to be held across Canada
  • more interactive Web features

and there's More to Come!

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New Kit Lends an Idle Hand to Promote Environmental Action at Tourist Sites and Border Crossings at Border Crossings

Spare the air

Vehicle idling causes health, environmental and economic hazards. When large numbers of commercial vehicles gather and leave their engines running – the worse the hazards get.

In 2001, the Niagara Parks Commission wanted to stop unnecessary idling at their region’s numerous tourist sites. They created the “Spare the Air” emissions reduction program – the first in Canada directed at the motor coach sector. The program has expanded to include transport trucks at border crossings. Drivers responded positively and the targeted sites saw a large decrease in motor coach and transport truck idling.

Motor Coach Canada (MCC) didn’t stop there. With this success story behind them, MCC consulted two of its partners, NRCan’s FleetSmart group (using their knowledge of commercial vehicle fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction) and Urban & Environmental Management Inc. (the company that helped develop the Niagara program) to help them adapt the model into a tool kit to use at tourist sites across Canada.

With the help of more than 100 stakeholders from the tourism sector, motor coach and trucking companies, advocacy groups and border crossings, the Idle-Free Destination Toolkit was delivered.

The tool kit provides step-by-step guidance for implementing an idling reduction program along with communication tools such as:

  • sample promotional material
  • information about scheduling and budgeting
  • background information about other idlingreduction programs, including municipalities that have guides developed to inform motor coach drivers about attractions, designated motor coach parking and municipal idling policies

The tool kit has sections about idling-reduction technologies, education programs for fuelefficient driving (i.e. NRCan’s SmartDriver), sample idling policies and information about the specific impacts of idling.

Not only can the tool kit be used at tourist sites and border crossings, it can be used at locations such as ferry terminals, truck yards and bus barns.

The Idle-Free Destination Toolkit is available at no charge by contacting NRCan by phone (613-947-4291) or e-mail

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Members: Keep Us Up to Date

We want to ensure that you receive the latest information. The FleetSmart Web site now lets you modify your own contact and company information in four easy steps. If your information has changed, use the log-in screen and modify your data, or contact us and we will do it for you.

Step 1:
Go to the FleetSmart Web site at: fleetsmart.gc.ca/members

Step 2:
Log in with your e-mail address and answer the security question.

Step 3:
Click the appropriate button on the right.

Step 4:
Change or modify your information on this page.

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SmartDriver for MotorCoach

Motor coach

If you operate a motor coach business and have not yet introduced your drivers to NRCan’s SmartDriver for MotorCoach, you are missing a great opportunity to save money and fuel and to reduce GHG emissions.

Developed by industry stakeholders and led by the Motor Carrier Passenger Council and MCC, this off-the shelf package is easy to use for any driver trainer/safety coordinator. Lively and entertaining, with lots of tips, SmartDriver is not to be missed. And it’s FREE, too!

Here’s what one industry leader said following a SmartDriver workshop:

“From the delivery of the course, I realized the potential of significant fuel savings and over the following month I have realized significant fuel burn reduction, wear and tear on the equipment, plus increased customer satisfaction. The results are just as you predicted. Prior to the course I was very conscious of the concepts explained. But only after experiencing the presentation was I able to tweak my skills and truly realize the greater efficiency in my operation. At one point I thought my fuel gauge had a malfunction because it was so slow to drop!”

– Paul J. Morris, President, Morris Motorcoach Travel Inc., British Columbia

If you are registered with FleetSmart, just send us an e-mail for your free copy. If not, registration is free and gives you access to this and other FleetSmart materials.


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Fuel Management 101 Workshop…

Let us bring it to you!

Would you be interested in a workshop that is designed to show fleet managers how to prepare a fuel management plan?…Then the Fuel Management workshop is for you.

The information is tailored to two types of driving, urban (pick-up and delivery, municipal, utility) and intercity (long haul). More than 20 Fuel Management workshops have been delivered, benefiting more than 300 participants.

What is the Fuel Management 101 Workshop?

These one-day sessions show fleet managers how to prepare and implement a fuel management plan and to measure and monitor its success.

The program has four phases:

  • why you should have an energy management plan
  • how to benchmark your fleet
  • how to make a plan
  • how to sell your plan to management, implement your plan, analyze the results and plan for the future.

Why do you need a fuel management plan?

As managers, ask yourself these questions:

  • We need a baseline of the fuel use for our fleet. How do we do that?
  • How can we make our fleet more fuel efficient?
  • How can we cut our fleet operating costs and also reduce the impact on the environment?

How did you do? Did you have the answers?

Every year, there is increasing emphasis on improving the environment. More and more organizations are getting on side to do their part in reducing fuel consumption and harmful vehicle emissions – and don’t forget about the savings.

The Fuel Management 101 workshop provides you with the tools to answer these questions and you’ll walk away with many tips, ideas and a template for creating a fuel management plan for your fleet.

If you haven’t been able to attend one of the previous sessions, don’t let that stop you.

We have two options for you:

Why wait? One day is all it takes.

*A minimum of 12 to 15 participants is needed in a particular area to arrange a workshop.

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We Appreciate Your Feedback

Please take some time to tell us what you need from us to help your company become fuel-efficient. Send us your comments and let us know how we are doing. Have you taken any of the SmartDriver training? Tell us your success story – We'll print it!


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Contact Us

Office of Energy Efficiency
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth Street, 18th Floor
Ottawa ON  K1A 0E4

Telephone: 613-992-3212
E-mail: fleetsmart@nrcan.gc.ca

Visit our website Fleetsmart.gc.ca

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