About Us

Canada-Saskatchewan Irrigation Diversification Centre

Contact Information

901 McKenzie St. South
P.O. Box 700
Outlook, Saskatchewan
S0L 2N0

Email: csidc@agr.gc.ca
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The Canada-Saskatchewan Irrigation Diversification Centre (CSIDC) promotes economically and environmentally sustainable irrigation practices to producers and industry. Through applied research and demonstration, CSIDC responds to farmer and industry needs to improve the sustainability and profitability of irrigated agriculture.

CSIDC investigates and demonstrates crops, technologies, and best management practices that assist producers in adopting practices that help sustain land and water resources. Applied research also focuses on mitigating the effects of irrigation on the environment. Current projects at CSIDC include crop and varietal development and evaluation, irrigated agronomic production practices and water management.

A major priority of the Centre is to diversify irrigated crop production options for rural clients. The benefits of higher value crops, such as dry bean and seed potato, include greater economic returns, opportunities to add value, and increased sustainability of the rural economy. Agronomic information is made available to producers who want to diversify their operations outside the scope of traditional crops.

CSIDC's emphasis on technology transfer ensures that clients have access to technical and developmental opportunities through factsheets, displays, annual reports, field days, tours, and scientific publications.

CSIDC is a partnership among Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada [Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA)], Saskatchewan Agriculture & Food, the Irrigation Crop Diversification Corporation (ICDC) and the Saskatchewan Irrigation Projects Association (SIPA).