For Land Managers


Improve Air Quality

Agriculture covers 68 million hectares of land across Canada. As a result of its nature, scale, and intensity, gas emissions from agriculture affect air quality and climate. Agriculture, however, not only affects air quality, but is affected by it.

Because agro-ecosystems are intensively managed, farmers can control, at least partly, the gas amounts released. Various farming methods and practices produce different emission types and levels, and so various options exist to improve air quality and mitigate the accumulation of atmospheric greenhouse gases. At the same time, many management options reduce the emission of certain air pollutants. For example, improving manure management practices reduces gas emissions responsible for unpleasant odours, as well as those that contribute to climate change. Likewise, some soil conservation practices reduce particulate matter (dust, smoke) emissions.

Climate Change
Agriculture producers will need to adapt to changing climate conditions and can contribute to reducing green house gases in a variety of ways.

Beneficial Management Practices
Many Beneficial Management Practices may be adopted to reduce greenhouse gases, sequester carbon, and improve air quality.

Air Related Sites

Sustaining the Environment and Resources for Canadians  - Government of Canada
Build on the present; secure the future.

Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
The major intergovernmental forum in Canada for discussion and joint action on environmental issues of national and international concern.

Clean Air Online- Environment Canada
Web pages with further information on Pollution Issues and Climate Change.