Related tables:   Household assets, debts and wealth.  

Assets and debts held by family units, total amounts, by education level
  1999 2005 1999 to 2005
  $ millions1 $ millions1 change in $ millions1 % change
All education levels
Assets2 3,947,765 5,622,674 1,674,909 42.4
Debts 515,417 760,188 244,771 47.5
Net worth (assets less debts) 3,432,347 4,862,486 1,430,139 41.7
Less than high school
Assets2 756,107 793,207 37,100 4.9
Debts 69,214 63,582 -5,632 -8.1
Net worth (assets less debts) 686,891 729,625 42,734 6.2
Graduated high school
Assets2 851,000 1,286,347 435,347 51.2
Debts 118,927 185,316 66,389 55.8
Net worth (assets less debts) 732,073 1,101,031 368,958 50.4
Non-university post-secondary certificate3
Assets2 993,080 1,501,164 508,084 51.2
Debts 164,617 227,265 62,648 38.1
Net worth (assets less debts) 828,464 1,273,899 445,435 53.8
University degree or certificate4
Assets2 1,347,578 2,041,956 694,378 51.5
Debts 162,659 284,025 121,366 74.6
Net worth (assets less debts) 1,184,919 1,757,931 573,012 48.4

To learn more about the results of this survey, see The Wealth of Canadians: An Overview of the Results of the 2005 Survey of Financial Security.

To find more information related to this table, consult Definitions, data sources, and methods.

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