About Analytical Studies


This module contains Statistics Canada studies, research and technical papers in electronic format. For availability in other formats (print, CD, or other), click on Abstract, and then on the catalogue number at the end of the abstract.


Analytical studies

An analytical study or research paper describes or analyses a specific aspect of the social, commercial, financial or economic situation in Canada.

Social topics include labour, education, demography, income, immigrants, ethnic diversity, justice, health, Aboriginal persons, children and youth, families and seniors, etc.

Commercial, financial and economic topics cover business performance, the economy, the environment, science and technology, international trade, prices and price indices, productivity, etc.

Studies do not focus on statistical issues such as concepts, methodology, data gaps, survey design, etc.

Technical papers

Technical papers focus on the measurement of economic concepts such as the Consumer Price Index, gross domestic product, productivity, low income cut offs, etc. They are not meant to serve as a guide to users of particular survey data or to explain the concepts or methods underlying a particular active survey.

Periodicals and series

Statistics Canada publishes its articles, studies and research in a wide range of periodicals or series. Periodicals are released on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, annually) whereas titles in a series are occasional.

Search our Periodicals and Analytical Series by clicking on the appropriate icon.



    Studies can be browsed by subject, date, periodicals and series, or author. More than one of the four folders can be used in your search at the same time.

    By author

    There are three ways to search by author: using the Author button,by typing a name in the search box, or clicking on the author’s name next to the study on the page displayed.

    Search box

    You can also enter a keyword into the search box. The word must be part of:

    • the author's name
    • the study title
    • the study abstract

    Search box and browsing topics

    You can also search by selecting one or more folders and entering a word in the search box.

    Confusing Results

    If search results appear incoherent, check your selections. You may be searching within multiple folders. For example, if you have selected a date (July 2006) and then a subject (Health) and in turn, you enter a keyword into the search box (Diabeties), you may get “no results” as it is searching for an article on Diabetes, in Health, in July 2006. You may need to back out one level and search within the Health folder, then on Diabetes. To start a new search, click on “New search”. This will clear the filter.

    New Search

    To begin a new search, click on New search.


Regardless of your selection method, studies will be displayed by date, beginning with the most recent. Clicking on the small triangle sorts them by title.

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