Victim Services in Canada, 2005/2006

By Jodi-Anne Brzozowski, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Statistics Canada

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Until recently, there were no nationally available data on the number and types of victim service agencies in Canada. In an effort to fill this information gap, the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS), with funding from Justice Canada’s Policy Centre for Victim Issues, conducted its first national survey of victim services in 2003. Recognizing the need to monitor the number and types of victim service agencies and to address emerging issues in the field of victim services, the Victim Services Survey (VSS) was repeated in 2005/2006.

This Juristat presents the findings from the second survey,1 including the characteristics of victims who seek assistance from victim service agencies as well as the facilities and types of services that are provided to victims of crime.


  1. The 2005/2006 Victim Services Survey identified 830 victim service agencies and 9 criminal injuries compensation programs as providing formal services to victims of crime. Responses were received from 697 victim service agencies and 8 criminal injuries compensation programs. The findings in this report are based on the agencies who responded to the survey. Some agencies did not respond to certain survey questions as the information was either unavailable or not applicable to their agency. Throughout the report, it is indicated when responses are based on a number of agencies that is smaller than the total.

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