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Places of Power
Objects of Veneration
in the Canadian Arctic

  • JOURNEY to incredible sites revered for countless generations by the Inuit -- the Arctic's first known inhabitants.

  • DISCOVER where once shamans were initiated where imaginary caribou and whales were hunted where spirits were believed to reside and more ...

  • SHARE in a sense of wonder, beguiled by rare photographic images of incredible beauty

  • ENTER a timeless world of haunting beauty where places of power and objects of veneration define a spiritual landscape in the vast Canadian Arctic

    We present a selection from the exhibit of 36 photographs taken by Norman Hallendy showing extraordinary places and objects (including inuksuit) in the Canadian Arctic revealed to him by Inuit elders. The images celebrate unganaqtuq nuna, the Inuit expression meaning "a deep and total attachment to the land."


    The Photographs

    Norman Hallendy

    Text and photographs: © Norman Hallendy
    Production: Stephen Alsford

    Places of Power, Objects of Veneration is available
    from the Canadian Museum of Civilization as a travelling exhibition.
    For further details contact the Travelling Exhibitions Manager.

    Other Web sites of interest

    Related to the Arctic and the Inuit:

    Inuit and Inuvialuit ¤  Arctic Circle  ¤ Government of Nunavut Web site ¤  The Canadian Arctic ¤  Archaeology in Arctic North America ¤  Inuuqatigiit: Relationship to the Environment  ¤  Inuit Culture: Resources for Educators ¤  The Inuit economy ¤  Inuit in Labrador ¤  Arctic Inuit Art: Inuksuk ¤  Inuksuit ¤ 

    Related to other Places of Power (megalithic and other sacred sites):

    The Megalithic Portal ¤  Megaliths in the Carnac Region ¤  Mysterious Places: Ancient Civilizations and Sacred Sites ¤  Earth Mysteries: Megalithic Sites and Mounds ¤  Stonehenge  ¤  America's Stonehenge  ¤  Effigy Mounds National Monument ¤  Ancient Sites (Ireland) ¤  Places of Peace and Power

  • Created: April 14, 1996. Last update: March 8, 2005
    © Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
    Important Notices
    Government of Canada