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Military history of Canada
Canadian War Museum logo

The Corporation
Military History of Canada
Canadian War Museum
1 Vimy Place
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M8
Tel. (819) 776-8600
toll-free 1-800-555-5621

Support the Museum

Your Support Helps Honour Them!

Photo of a Canadian Sailor with a child, CP/Andrew VaughanWith each passing year, the living memory of Canadian involvement in past military conflict diminishes, and the need to preserve the legacy of service and sacrifice becomes increasingly urgent. Your help honours those who have served our country and helps to secure a strong future for the Canadian War Museum, ensuring that the cycle of remembrance and reflection continues for generations to come.

An Extraordinary Legacy

The Canadian War Museum brings together breathtaking architectural achievement with cutting-edge exhibitions and programming to provide both the content and the context essential for all Canadians to better understand their country's military history. Your museum preserves and shares the stories of those who fought for this country and, in so doing, forged a nation. You can help us to continue this important tradition.

A Living Memory

The headstone of the Unknown Soldier in Memorial Hall, 20000044-011With your gift to the Canadian War Museum, you will help to protect and to preserve one of the world's finest collections of military art and artifacts. You will help bring Canada's military history to classrooms across the country, and help ensure the future success of your museum in its mission to educate, preserve, and remember the great deeds of those who have come before us.

Your Gift Matters to Us

Your gift will be allocated to an exhibition or programme of particular significance to you, or administered where the need is greatest.

All contributors will receive a tax receipt, as well as recognition in our annual report. In addition, gifts in excess of $5,000 will be recognized on the Donor Wall in the main concourse.

Whether it is making a single gift, monthly donation, a tribute or memorial gift or sponsoring an exhibition, event or programme, it is easy to personalize and customize your contribution to this important cause.

Donor Wall at the Canadian War Museum. Photo: Bill Kent, CWM

Created: July 15, 2005, Last update: May 22, 2007
© Canadian War Museum
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Government of Canada