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News Releases - 2006

Canada Council’s 50th anniversary celebration to promote public engagement in the arts

Ottawa, December 18, 2006 Canada’s national arts funding agency has challenged Canadians to help it celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2007 by stepping up their involvement in the arts.

The Canada Council for the Arts, which was created by an Act of Parliament on March 28, 1957, today launched the “50 for 50” Arts Challenge, an initiative aimed at encouraging people to become more involved in the arts as both audience members and active participants.

The Council is asking people to participate in 50 arts activities during the anniversary year – ranging from reading a poem to singing in a choir to attending a film festival to looking at a painting – keep a record of their experiences and let the Council know about it.

“Fifty arts activities in 2007 may sound like a lot, but when you consider it’s less than one a week, you realize how easy it is to meet the challenge,” said Canada Council Director Robert Sirman. “The arts are all around us: on TV, radio and the Internet, in our local book or record stores, in our schools, community centers and parks as well as in such specialized venues as art galleries, theatres and concert halls.”

Mr. Sirman said the vast majority of Canadians are already engaged in the arts in one way or another, even if some people don’t realize it.  

“One purpose of the ‘50 for 50’ Arts Challenge is to show people how pervasive the arts are in our daily lives,” he said. “We also want people to try out new arts experiences and expand their horizons: for example, if you’re a music-lover, you might want to try something new and attend a poetry reading; or if you normally go to the movies on weekends, try out live theatre for a change.  And if you like to sing in the shower or doodle on your notepad, think about joining a choral group or taking art lessons.”

Participants in the challenge are encouraged to tell the Canada Council about their experiences on line at or by e-mail at , or by writing to The “50 for 50” Arts Challenge, Canada Council for the Arts, 350 Albert St, P.O. Box 1047, Ottawa, ON K1P 5V8.  Highlights will be posted on the Council’s web site.

The 50 for 50 Arts Challenge is one of a number of special activities related to the Canada Council’s 50th anniversary, including more than 80 anniversary concerts, performances and other events dedicated to the Canada Council by arts organizations across Canada.

Starting in January, you can visit the Canada Council's 50th anniversary web site for ongoing updates on the “50 for 50” Arts Challenge and other 50th anniversary activities.