Public Health Agency of Canada / Agence de santé public du Canada

Canadian Immunization Guide 2006
Table 1. Type and Contents of Vaccines Currently Approved for Use in Canada
(May 2006)

Brand name Mfr/
Route Vaccine type Adjuvant Preservative Potentiel allergens (egg, antibiotic, gelatin, latex, trace of thimerosal) Other materials
Vaccine type Immunogen+ Products
Act-HIB® SP IM Subunit Hib Conjugate        
Actacel™* SP IM Subunit D, T, aP + (Hib) Proteins + conjugate Alum PE    
Adacel® SP IM Subunit T, d, ap Proteins Alum PE    
Avaxim® SP IM Inactivated HA Killed virus Alum PE Neomycin Formaldehyde
Avaxim® - Pediatric SP IM Inactivated HA Killed virus Alum PE Neomycin Formaldehyde
BCG Vaccine (Freeze-Dried) SP Intra-dermal Live attenuated BCG Live bacteria       Polysorbate 80
Boostrix®* GSK IM Subunit D, T, aP Proteins Alum PE   Formaldehyde
DT Polio Adsorbed SP IM Subunit + inactivated D, T, IPV Proteins + killed virus Alum PE Polymyxin B, Neomycin Formaldehyde
Dukoral™ SBL/SP Oral Subunit + inactivated Chol-Ecol-O Proteins + killed bacteria       Saccharin
Multi dose vial Engerix®-B Single dose vial GSK IM Subunit HB Recombinant protein Alum PE Trace thimerosal Yeast proteins
Eolarix™* GSK SC Live M,R Live virus     Neomycin Human albumin Lactose, Dextran
Epaxal®** BERN IM Inactivated HA in Inf virosome Killed virus   Tm   Formaldehyde
Fluviral® S/F IDB IM Inactivated Inf Killed virus   Tm Egg proteins Formaldehyde
FSME - IMMUN BAX IM Inactivated TBE Inactivated whole virus Alum   Neomycin
Protamine sulfate
Chick protein
Formaldehyde Human serum albumin Sucrose
Havrix® GSK IM Inactivated HA Killed virus Alum PE Neomycin
Latex in stopper
pre-filled syringes
Formaldehyde Polysorbate 20
Hiberix®* GSK IM Subunit Hib Conjugate       Lactose
Imovax® Polio* SP SC Inactivated IPV Killed virus   PE Polymyxin B
Bovine serum Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80
Imovax® Rabies SP IM Inactivated Rab Killed virus     Neomycin Human albumin
Inactived Poliomyelitis Vaccine – IPV SP SC Inactivated IPV Killed virus   PE Polymyxin B
Bovine serum Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80
Infanrix™* GSK IM Subunit D, T, aP Proteins Alum PE   Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80
Infanrix™-hexa* GSK IM Subunit + inactivated D, T, aP, HB IPV + (Hib) Proteins + killed viruses + conjugate Alum PE Polymyxin B
Trace thimerosal
Yeast protein Formaldehyde Lactose Polysorbate 20 and 80 Bovine serum albumin
Infanrix™/Hib* GSK IM Subunit D, T, aP + (Hib) Proteins + conjugate Alum PE   Formaldehyde
Polysorbate 80
Infanrix™-IPV* GSK IM Subunit + inactivated D, T, aP IPV Proteins + killed virus Alum PE Polymyxin B
Bovine serum Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80
Infanrix™- IPV/Hib* GSK IM Subunit + inactivated D, T, aP, IPV + (Hib) Protein + killed virus + conjugate Alum PE Polymyxin B
Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80 Lactose Bovine serum albumin
Influvac™ SOLV IM/SC Inactivated Inf Killed virus     Gentamicin
Egg protein
Chicken protein Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80
JE-VAX® BIKEN/ SP SC Inactivated JE Killed virus   Tm Gelatin Mouse serum Protein Formaldehyde
Liquid Pedvax HIB® MF IM Subunit Hib Conjugate Alum   Latex in stopper  
Meningitec™ BERN/ WA IM Subunit Men Conjugate Alum      
Polysaccharide Vaccine, Groups A and C, Menomune® A/C
SP SC Subunit Men Polysaccharide       Lactose
Menjugate® CHIR IM Subunit Men Conjugate Alum      
Multidose vial Menomune® A/C/Y/W-135 Single dose vial SP SC Subunit Men Polysaccharide   Tm† Latex in stopper Lactose
M-M-R® II MF SC Live M, M, R Live virus     Gelatine Neomycin Residual components of chick embryo cell cultures Bovine Serum Glutamate Human albumin Residual protein from cell culture Sorbitol Sucrose
Mutacol™** BERN Oral Live Chol Live bacteria       Yeast extract Lactose Aspartame
Neisvac-C™ BAX/ GSK IM Subunit Men Conjugate Alum      
Pediacel®* SP IM Subunit + inactivated D, T, aP, IPV, Hib Protein, killed virus + conjugate Alum PE Neomycin
Polymyxin B
Latex in stopper
Bovine serum Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80
Pediarix™* GSK IM Subunit + inactivated D, T, aP, HB, IPV Protein + killed virus Alum PE Polymyxin B
Yeast protein Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80 Bovine serum albumin
Pentacel® SP IM Subunit + inactivated D, T, aP, IPV + (Hib) Protein + killed virus + (conjugate) Alum PE Polymyxin B
Latex in stopper
Bovine albumin Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80
Pneumo 23® SP IM/SC Subunit Pneu Polysaccharide   P    

Multidose vial* Pneumovax® 23
Single dose vial

MF IM/SC Subunit Pneu Polysaccharide   P    
Prevnar® WA IM Subunit Pneu Conjugate Alum   Latex in stopper  
Priorix® GSK SC Live M, M, R Live virus     Neomycin Lactose
Quadracel® SP IM Subunit + inactivated D, T, aP, IPV Protein + killed virus Alum PE Polymyxin B
Latex in stopper
Bovine albumin Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80
RabAvert® CHIR/ MF IM Inactivated Rab Killed virus     Neomycin
Amphotericin B
Processed gelatin
Human albumin Ovalbumin Bovine serum
Multidose vial Recombivax HB®
Single dose vials
MF IM Subunit HB Recombinant protein Alum Tm† Latex in stopper Yeast proteins Formaldehyde
Td Adsorbed SP IM Subunit T, d Protein Alum     Formaldehyde
Td Polio Adsorbed SP IM Subunit + inactivated T, d, IPV Protein + killed virus Alum PE Polymyxin B
Bovine albumin Formaldehyde Polysorbate 80
Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed SP IM Subunit T Protein Alum Tm    
Tripacel® SP IM Subunit D, T, aP Protein Alum PE Latex in stopper Formaldehyde Glutaraldehyde
Twinrix® GSK IM Subunit + inactivated HB, HA Recombinant protein + killed virus   PE Neomycin
Trace thimerosal
Latex in stopper pre-filled syringes
Yeast proteins Formaldehyde Polysorbate 20
Twinrix® Junior GSK IM Subunit + inactivated HB, HA Recombinant protein + killed virus   PE Neomycin
Trace thimerosal
Latex in stopper pre-filled syringes
Yeast proteins Formaldehyde Polysorbate 20
Typherix® GSK IM Subunit Typh-l Polysaccharide   P Latex in stopper pre-filled syringes  
Typhim Vi® SP IM Subunit Typh-l Polysaccharide   P    
Vaqta® MF IM Inactivated HA Killed virus Alum   Neomycin
Latex in stopper
Bovine albumin Formaldehyde Residual protein from cell culture
Varilrix® GSK SC Live Var Live virus     Neomycin
Latex in stopper pre-filled syringes for diluent
Human albumin
Varivax® III MF SC Live Var Live virus     Gelatin
Bovine serum Glutamate Residual protein from cell culture
Multidose vial Vaxigrip® Single dose vial SP IM Inactivated Inf Killed virus   Tm† Neomycin
Egg protein
ViVaxim™ SP IM Subunit + inactivated Typh-I + (HA) Polysaccharide + killed virus Alum PE Neomycin Formaldehyde
Vivotif® L BERN Oral Live Typh-O Live virus       Lactose Aspartame
Vivotif® BERN Oral Live Typh-I Live virus     Gelatin Lactose
YF-VAX® SP SC Live YF Live virus     Gelatin
Egg protein
Latex in stopper
Chicken protein

Empty boxes indicate a lack of the specified component.
* Drug Identification Number assigned (approved for use but not currently marketed)
** Product is on the market but not currently available
† Thimerosal in multidose vial only

Notes and Abbreviations

The information in this table is based on the product’s availability as of May 2006. Please consult the manufacturer for complete and up-to-date information. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) will publish updated information as required, which will be available at

Manufacturer (Mfr) and Distributor (Distr.): For some products, the distributor could be different from the manufacturer.
BAX, Baxter Healthcare Corporation; BERN, Berna Biotech; BIKEN, Biken; CHIR, Chiron; GSK, GlaxoSmithKline; IDB, ID Biomedical Corporation; MF, Merck Frosst; SBL, SBL Vaccine; SP, Sanofi Pasteur Ltd; SOLV, Solvay; WA, Wyeth Canada

Route: IM - intramuscular; SC - subcutaneous

+ For products in which the immunogens of two different vials or chambers are combined, the contents of the second vial or chamber are noted as + (immunogen)

The following abbreviations are the agreed upon standards for use in Canada:
DTaP-IPV-Hib: diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, acellular pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b, pediatric formulation; Tdap: tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, acellular pertussis, adult formulation; Men - meningococcus; Pneu - pneumococcus; HB: hepatitis B; Chol-Ecol-O: cholera - E.coli

IPV - poliomyelitis vaccine; Inf: influenza; HA: hepatitis A; Rab: rabies; JE: Japanese encephalitis; Typh-I : typhoid - injection; Typh-O: Typhoid - Oral; TBE; tickborne encephalitis

MMR: measles, mumps, rubella; Var: varicella; YF: yellow fever; BCG: Bacilles Calmette-Guérin

Adjuvant: Alum - aluminum-containing adjuvant

P - phenol; PE - 2 phenoxy ethanol; Tm - thimerosal. For the Sanofi Pasteur products, PE is not considered a preservative