Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Teaching English in Japan

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Main Topics
arrow Introduction
arrow Finding a Teaching Job in Japan
arrow Types of Language Institutes and Programs
arrow Job-Hunting Resources
arrow Entry and Exit Requirements
arrow Contracts
arrow Accommodations
arrow Income Tax
arrow Medical Insurance
arrow Before You Leave
arrow Cultural Issues
arrow How the Embassy of Canada Can Help
arrow Consular Services
arrow Publication Info
arrow For More Information


If you are up to the challenge of working in Japan, it can be one of the most exciting and rewarding times in your life. Japan is full of people eager to study English, which means there are always opportunities for those looking for teaching jobs.

Consider the following questions when deciding whether teaching in Japan is right for you:

  • Why do you want to go there? Are you contemplating a career in education or just a holiday away from Canada?
  • Are you adaptable? Can you adjust to a different culture, even if you are the only foreigner working in a small town?
  • Are you prepared to leave your support network behind? Can you establish new social contacts?
  • Are you prepared for a change in lifestyle, including living in a considerably smaller home and dealing with overcrowded trains every day?
  • Do you have a genuine interest in Japanese culture and language?
  • Do you have enough money to set yourself up in another country? Can you afford to buy furniture, pay several months’ rent in advance, and support yourself until your first payday?

Most Canadians who work in Japan do not experience problems. A few, however, have found themselves in work situations far different from those they expected.

The Embassy of Canada and its consulates in Japan cannot become involved in any contractual conflicts experienced by Canadian citizens. They cannot provide legal representation or mediate in such situations. Nor can they investigate, certify or vouch for prospective employers. It is up to you to evaluate any employment offer before signing a contract.

However, if you do encounter difficulties while working in Japan, contact the Consular Section at the Embassy of Canada in Tokyo or one of the consulates of Canada at the following addresses:

Address: 3-38 Akasaka 7-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 107-8503
Tel.: 81 (3) 5412-6200
Fax: 81 (3) 5412-6289

HIROSHIMA, Consulate of Canada
Address: c/o Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc., 4-33 Komachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken, Japan 730-8701
Tel.: 81 (82) 246-0057
Fax: 81 (82) 246-0057

NAGOYA, Consulate of Canada
Address: Nakato Marunouchi Building, 6F, 3-17-6 Marunouchi, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken, Japan 460-0002
Tel.: 81 (52) 972-0450
Fax: 81 (52) 972-0453

SAPPORO, Consulate of Canada
Address: Tokyo Tatemono Sapporo Bldg. 2F, 20 Kita-7 Nishi-2, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Japan 060-0807
Tel.: 81 (11) 726-2863
Fax: 81 (11) 726-2863

Or contact the Embassy of Japan or one of its consulates in Canada.

Calling Japan

To telephone Japan from other countries, call:

International long-distance code + country code + area code + telephone number

For example, if you are in Canada and want to reach the Embassy of Canada in Tokyo, you must call:


If you are in Japan and want to telephone long distance within the country, you must call:

City/area code + telephone number

For example, if you are in Osaka and want to reach the Embassy of Canada in Tokyo, you must call:

03 + 5412-6200

Calling abroad from Japan can be complicated, as several companies offer international telephone services and they all have different access numbers. If you are calling abroad from a pay phone using an NTT telephone card, IC card or coins, it is best to use the KDDI access code, which is:

001 + 010 (long-distance access code) + country code + area code + telephone number

If you are calling abroad from a home or mobile phone, you would normally call:

Long-distance access code + country code + area code + telephone number

We recommend, however, that you check your telephone company’s long-distance access code.


Finding a Teaching Job in Japan

So you have decided to move to Japan to teach English. It is definitely best to have a job arranged before you arrive. If you are thinking of coming to Japan and then searching for work, you will need enough money to support yourself while looking for a job. Keep in mind that if you come to Japan on a tourist visa, you are not allowed to accept employment. You must obtain a work visa first (see Entry and Exit Requirements).

Most teaching vacancies in Japan are in major cities such as Tokyo. If you do not want to work in a big city, then applying for a position at a large conversation school elsewhere would be a good idea. The smaller cities and towns offer a more Japanese lifestyle, although salaries can be lower. The JET Programme (see below) offers the opportunity to work outside metropolitan areas, with the added advantage that salaries are the same across Japan, regardless of the location. Requirements vary depending on the type of teaching position you accept.


Types of Language Institutes and Programs

The Embassy of Canada and its consulates in Japan do not maintain a list of teaching institutes. If you are thinking of accepting a job as an English teacher in Japan, you are advised to ask the institute concerned for the names and telephone numbers of current and former teachers, so you can contact them directly to ask about conditions there. There are five main types of teaching jobs in Japan:

Conversation Schools

English conversation schools, known as eikaiwa, are found all over Japan. The major ones, such as Nova, ECC and Aeon, are well known and have many branches, while others may be small-scale, short-lived operations. Most recruit native English speakers from outside Japan to teach conversation classes to children and adults. The minimum educational requirement is usually a university degree. An English as a Foreign Language (EFL) or teaching certificate is an asset but is not essential.

A five-day workweek followed by two consecutive days off is the norm. A typical workday consists of five to eight teaching hours, with the majority of classes being conducted in the afternoons or evenings. Most classes have from 10 to 15 students, usually university students or business people who are preparing for overseas assignments or simply trying to improve their English skills. The average monthly salary is about 260,000 yen. Most conversation schools arrange flights and accommodation, work visas and health insurance, in addition to offering on-the-job teacher training. Since some of these organizations are huge, there are opportunities for ambitious individuals to work up a career ladder that brings additional pay and benefits.

Juku or Cram Schools

Cram schools are very popular in Japan. They provide mostly afternoon or evening courses at every level from elementary school to university.

Located throughout Japan, cram schools vary greatly in size. Compared with larger ones, smaller schools offer a more personal approach. However, they may provide less job security and do not always help their teachers arrange for a work visa. Hiring criteria also vary. Some cram schools will employ non-native English-speakers, while others insist on native English speakers, preferably with North American accents.

A typical full-time employee can expect to teach 15 to 25 hours per week. Some cram schools offer monthly salaries comparable to those of private conversation schools, while others offer an hourly salary of about 3,000 yen. The work is physically demanding, especially classes for younger children, and teachers must spend additional hours planning lessons.

Elementary and High Schools

Since English is part of the school curriculum in Japan, many elementary and high schools hire part-time or full-time assistant language teachers (ALT). Although many ALT jobs do not require previous teaching experience or EFL certification, employers generally favour those with qualifications and experience. An ALT is hired by a prefectural board of education or the JET Programme (see below), in accordance with the regulations of the Japanese Ministry of Education. An ALT may also be engaged through a private contracting company. However, individuals being hired through such agencies should review their contracts carefully to avoid problems.

The average monthly salary is about 260,000 yen, and many schools will provide housing and at least 10 to 20 days off per year, in addition to national holidays. Class sizes tend to be large (35 to 40 students), so maintaining student attention may be a challenge. Actual teaching time can be less than at conversation schools, but teachers’ duties usually extend beyond the classroom. The JET Programme (see below) is a good option for those interested in teaching in high schools. It hires over 2,000 native English speakers every year to teach in Japanese schools.

Some schools prescribe the course of study and teaching approach. Others do not even have EFL learning resources. Check whether materials are provided by the school before accepting a job. It also helps to bring your own EFL learning materials. Highly structured programs can often be enhanced through a creative learning approach.

Colleges and Universities

The major colleges and universities in Japan have foreign language faculties, and most employ full-time language teachers. Depending on the size of the institution, classes can be small (up to 15 students) or significantly larger. Colleges and universities tend to have the highest hiring standards: most instructors have master’s degrees in foreign language teaching and previous teaching experience. Working conditions and salaries are comparable to those in the West, and the faculty turnover rate is low. Most instructors teach 10 to 15 hours per week but must also carry out regular administrative duties. Some institutions offer on-campus housing for teachers. Monthly salaries start at approximately 400,000 yen, and teachers get about three months of vacation per year.

The JET Programme

The JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme is operated by local authorities in cooperation with Japanese government agencies. Established in 1987, JET’s main purpose is to promote international exchange. It has an excellent reputation in Japan and abroad. JET participants are placed in any of Japan’s 47 prefectures and designated cities, where they work as either assistant language teachers or “coordinators for international relations.” Contracts are renewed on a yearly basis for a maximum of three years. The maximum age of participants is 40. The salary is 3.6 million yen per year (after tax), and participants typically get 20 days off per year in addition to national holidays. Visas, flights, living accommodations and health insurance are arranged by Japanese government agencies. For more information, visit the JET Programme Web site.

The JET Alumni Association assists in the pre-departure training of new participants and works with the Embassy of Canada in Japan in selecting candidates for the program. Visit the JETAA Canada Web site for more information.


Some companies require their staff to study English for business purposes. Classes are held either during or after working hours. Hiring criteria vary, and the pay depends on the size of the company. Unlike conversation schools, companies expect their teachers to have teaching experience or qualifications. An instructor can usually expect to teach 30 or more hours per week, working irregular hours from early morning to late at night. Some companies offer full benefits, including housing, but instructors may be required to live on-site or commute long distances to teach. The level of lesson planning required depends on the company. Some run intensive in-house programs that require students to study for three to six months to achieve a certain level of English proficiency. Others stress conversation skills and require little class preparation. The highest demand for business English instructors is in Tokyo, where most company headquarters are located.


Job-Hunting Resources

Teaching jobs in Japan are most commonly found through newspaper and Internet advertisements. The Monday edition of the Japan Times is a well-known newspaper resource. Internet resources include the English Teaching Job Classifieds in ELT News,, the English Resource and Jobs in Japan.


Entry and Exit Requirements

Visa Matters

Canadian citizens entering Japan as tourists may stay for up to 90 days, as long as they hold a Canadian passport and do not receive any income while in Japan.

Canadians who wish to work in Japan must first apply for and obtain an appropriate visa from the Japanese Immigration Bureau. The process involves finding a potential employer who is willing to act as your sponsor and arrange for your certificate of eligibility. To obtain this certificate, you must provide proof of education and a letter from your employer to the Embassy of Japan in Ottawa. If you then qualify for a visa, one will be issued by the embassy. If you receive an offer of employment before coming to Japan, your Japanese employer will usually handle visa matters for you.

Keep in mind that, once you are in Japan, you cannot change your visa status. However, if you receive an offer of employment while in Japan on a tourist visa, it is possible to leave the country and obtain a work visa from a Japanese mission in Canada or a third country, such as South Korea, provided that you meet all the necessary visa requirements.

Working Holiday Visa

This category of visa allows Canadians to enter Japan for a short-term working holiday. Visa holders need not obtain further permission to engage in paid activities while in Japan, provided that these activities do not contravene Japanese laws regulating businesses offering food and entertainment, as well as other regulations that affect public order and good morals.

The Government of Japan will issue, free of charge, a single-entry working holiday visa to a Canadian citizen who:

  • currently resides in Canada;
  • intends mainly to holiday in Japan for a specific period of time;
  • is between 18 and 30 years of age at the time of the application;
  • possesses a valid Canadian passport and a return travel ticket;
  • has reasonable funds for an initial stay in Japan, including medical expenses; and
  • is in good health and does not have a criminal record.

More information on working holiday visas may be obtained from the Web site of the Embassy of Japan in Ottawa.

Canadians in Japan on working holiday visas may also obtain general information from the Japan Association for Working Holiday Makers.

Work Visas

There are several classes of work visas. The vast majority of English teachers either hold an instructor visa, which authorizes them to work in public institutions (elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, schools for the blind, handicapped children’s schools), or a specialist in humanities visa, which authorizes work in private institutions, such as conversation schools and companies. These visas are usually granted for a period of three years. To obtain a work visa, you will need:

  • a valid passport;
  • an application form;
  • one passport-size photo; and
  • a certificate of eligibility issued by the Japanese Immigration Bureau (your employer must apply for the certificate, although you will need to provide proof of education and Canadian citizenship).

For more information on work visa requirements and how to apply, visit the Web site of the Embassy of Japan in Ottawa and click on the Visa & Travel link.

Overstay and Illegal Work

It is illegal to remain in Japan beyond your permitted period of stay or to engage in activities not allowed under your visa. Some expatriates have encountered serious legal problems with Japanese immigration authorities for accepting employment without the proper work visa. If you are in Japan on a visitor visa or student visa, you are not allowed to engage in any paid activities. Violation of Japanese immigration laws can result in severe penalties, including imprisonment, deportation or fines of up to 300,000 yen. It is your responsibility to understand local laws and obey them. If you violate Japanese laws, Canadian government officials cannot assist you in any way, other than to provide you with a list of lawyers.

Re-entry Permit

If you plan to leave Japan and return during your teaching contract, you must obtain a re-entry permit from a Regional Immigration Bureau. Do so at least two weeks before departure. A single-entry permit costs 3,000 yen, and a multiple-entry one 6,000 yen. Both are valid for one year or until your current period of stay expires, whichever comes first. If you do not have a re-entry permit stamped in your passport, you will not be allowed to re-enter Japan to work.

More information on immigration procedures, including inquiries from foreign residents about entry and exit requirements, is available on the Web site of the Immigration Bureau or the nearest Regional Immigration Bureau.

Alien Registration

All foreigners living in Japan must obtain an alien registration card within 90 days of their arrival. Take your passport and two 3 x 4 cm photos (taken within the past 60 days) to the local municipal office. You are required by law to notify the municipal office within 14 days of any changes to your address, passport number, period of stay, type of job or marital status. Your alien registration card will be issued about two weeks after applying, at which time you must carry the card at all times in lieu of your passport.



A contract is a basic requirement for teaching in Japan. Before you begin working, be sure to negotiate a contract with your employer. You should have a clear understanding of your contractual obligations before signing the contract.

A basic teaching contract should include provisions for the following matters: salary, housing, working hours, severance pay, income tax, medical insurance, holidays, transportation and travel allowance for the passage back home (provided that you complete the period of the contract). If these items are not covered, you should negotiate until they are included in the contract.

Most contracts provide for either a set monthly salary or a salary based on the number of teaching hours. A guaranteed monthly or hourly salary should be specified.




Some employers provide housing as part of a teaching contract. An employer that does not provide housing may still be able to help you find accommodations and negotiate an appropriate rent and utility payments. In general, accommodations in Japan are much more expensive and considerably smaller than in Canada. Rents in major cities can be 100,000 yen or more per month for a modest one-room apartment with a small kitchen and bath.

Searching for Living Accommodations

Searching for accommodations in Japan can be done through a realtor or through the classified ads of newspapers or magazines. When meeting with a realtor, you should be accompanied by someone who can act as an interpreter.

Apartment layouts are usually described by a code consisting of a number (for number of bedrooms) plus one or more letters: L (living room), D (dining room), or K (kitchen).

Many apartments, particularly less expensive ones, are not equipped with appliances.

General Conditions

Before finalizing a rental contract, make sure you understand the contract as well as Japanese living customs.

Rental amounts are usually quoted as a monthly charge, but there are likely to be additional charges, such as management fees (kanrihi) and gift or “key” money (rei-kin). Also keep in mind that the total amount of money required to finalize a contract is five to six months’ rent (see “Payments” below).

When signing a lease, you must present your alien registration card and a statement of income (ask your employer). You may also be asked to have someone in Japan sign as your guarantor.


Upon signing a lease, you will typically be asked to pay the following:

Rent You can expect to pay both the current and next month’s rent at the time you sign your lease. The following month’s rent is normally payable by the end of the current month.
(security deposit)
This money, deposited with the property owner when a contract is signed, usually amounts to one to two months’ rent. It is used to reimburse the landlord for unpaid rent or repairs required when the tenant leaves. Money remaining after these deductions is returned to the tenant.
(gift money)
This money, given to the landlord when a contract is signed, usually amounts to one to two months’ rent and is not refunded when the tenant leaves.
Kyoekihi / Kanrihi
(common area / management fees)
These fees must be paid by most apartment tenants.
(agency commission)
This fee is paid to the realtor who introduced you to the rental residence (usually about one month’s rent).

Temporary Accommodations

Guesthouses, commonly called “gaijin houses,” are a convenient option if you are looking for temporary housing in Japan. You will usually have the option of a dormitory, single or double room, or furnished apartment, which can be rented by the week or month. Some temporary accommodations can be quite expensive and require you to make a security deposit. Here are few Tokyo Web sites to help you get started:

For more affordable accommodations, you might consider a homestay with a Japanese family. Homestays are a great way to make new friends and to learn some Japanese along the way. For more information about homestay programs in Japan, see the following Web sites:

You could also search Internet message boards for shared accommodations in your area.


Income Tax

Any person who receives income in Japan must pay Japanese income tax. The taxation year runs from January 1 to December 31. Foreign taxpayers are divided into two categories: non-residents and residents. Tax rates are determined by the length of stay, not the type of visa. Canadian consular officials cannot provide tax information. Information about Canadian tax obligations for individuals living abroad is available from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA):

International Tax Services Office
2204 Walkley Road
Ottawa ON
K1A 1A8
Tel.: 1 800 267-5177 (in Canada) or (613) 952-3741 (from Japan, collect calls accepted)

For further details, see the CRA publication Canadian Residents Abroad (T4131).


A non-resident (someone who stays in Japan for less than one year) will have income tax withheld by the employer for income earned in Japan (including income paid outside Japan but generated in Japan). Income earned outside Japan is not subject to Japanese tax.


A resident is a person who stays in Japan continuously for more than one year. For taxation purposes, there are two types of residents:

  • Permanent residents are subject to taxation on income generated both inside and outside Japan.
  • Non-permanent residents (who stay in Japan more than one year but less than five years and do not intend to become permanent residents) are subject to taxation on income generated in Japan. Foreign income brought into Japan by non-permanent residents is also subject to taxation.

Both permanent and non-permanent residents are entitled to claim certain deductions for medical expenses, losses, theft and home loans.

Taxpayers are salaried or non-salaried:

  • Salaried employees do not need to file income tax reports themselves, since tax is deducted from their salary and paid by the employer.
  • Non-salaried taxpayers must calculate their own income and tax over the year and submit an income tax report between February 16 and March 15 of the following year.

For details on local taxes, contact:

Metropolitan Taxation Office
3F, Main Bldg. No.1
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office
Tel.: 03-5321-1111

For information on national taxes, contact:

Tax Consultation Office (English)
Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau
Tel.: 03-3821-9070


Medical Insurance

The cost of medical services in Japan is high, so it is essential to have appropriate medical insurance at all times. Every resident of Japan is eligible to enrol in a national insurance plan. Non-residents with valid alien registration cards, who will be in Japan for more than one year, are obliged to enrol in either the National Health Insurance System or the Social Insurance System (usually for long-term employees of a company). You should confirm with your employer that there are provisions for medical insurance before accepting a job. It is important that you understand the nature and scope of the coverage, so be sure to ask your employer about the details. Contact the Consular Section of the Embassy of Canada in Tokyo for a list of English-speaking medical and dental practitioners in Japan.

Applications for National Health Insurance can be made at your local ward or city office. You will need to present your alien registration card. If you have been in Japan for less than one year, you will also need to present documentary evidence that you will reside in the country for more than one year.

National Health Insurance will cover 70 percent of your medical costs. You are responsible for the balance. Coverage does not extend to medical costs incurred outside Japan, so you should take out supplementary health insurance through either a Japanese or a Canadian insurance company, prior to travelling to a third country, to ensure that you are fully covered in case of a medical emergency.


Before You Leave

Get Informed

Take time to learn about the cultural, political, and economic environment of Japan. Consult our Japan Travel Report for up-to-date information on safety and security, local travel, laws and customs, health issues, entry and exit requirements, and much more.

Things to Bring

The most valuable things to bring to Japan are a positive attitude and a sense of humour. Since the weather varies extensively, you will need a range of clothing to suit all seasons. Buying clothes in Japan can be an option, although they are expensive, and finding larger sizes may be a problem if you are not near a major city. Consider bringing the following items with you:

  • Rainwear; an overcoat; winter clothes.
  • A suit for men and a conservative skirt or pant suit for women; something dark for formal occasions.
  • Underwear: it can be difficult to find larger sizes.
  • Footwear: larger sizes are not readily available; slippers or indoor shoes must be worn inside Japanese homes and schools.
  • Sportswear: locally purchased items are expensive and usually polyester-based.
  • Cosmetics: Japanese brands can be expensive and suited to Asian skin and hair.
  • A spare set of contact lenses or glasses.
  • Presents: in keeping with Japanese tradition, you may want to bring courtesy gifts for your boss, colleagues and students, as well as your neighbours.

To minimize luggage, consider sending winter clothing and gifts ahead. A popular and relatively cheap means of sending belongings is by surface mail.

Medicines and Toiletries

Japan Customs places strict restrictions on the amounts and types of medications and toiletries that can be brought into or sent to Japan. Medicines sold over the counter in Canada are illegal in Japan if they contain stimulants. Codeine is also illegal. Check the contents of cold, allergy, sinus and pain medications carefully. If you plan to bring a supply of such products with you, contact the Embassy of Japan or one of its consulates in Canada to inquire about Japanese customs restrictions. Most over-the-counter medications are available in major cities, although prices are often higher than in Canada.

Medications and products, such as cosmetics, ointments, eye drops, deodorants, sanitary products, fluoride toothpaste and dental floss, are restricted to 24 pieces per product. Note that antiperspirant is not available in Japan.

Prescription medications are restricted to a one-month supply. Larger amounts may be seized, and you could be charged with intent to sell illegal substances. Once your supply has run out, get a new prescription from a doctor for an equivalent medicine sold in Japan. Leave medication in its original package and keep a letter from your doctor stating its purpose, as well as a copy of the prescription.

Things to Leave Behind

Leave behind prohibited articles such as illegal drugs, medicines containing stimulants, counterfeit money, firearms, ammunition, fruits, vegetables and meat, as well as publications, drawings and other materials considered harmful to public security and morals.

Japan Customs is very strict and thorough. If illegal substances are found in your possession, you will be arrested, detained and deported.


Cultural Issues

Canadians in Japan

Canadian citizens are well regarded in Japan. Thus it is not surprising that so many of them flock to Japan to teach English or seek other employment. They each bring their own unique expectations and find themselves in varying circumstances. For example, some expect to live in large Western-style houses and are disappointed when they have to settle for modest apartments. Be prepared to have your expectations challenged. Keeping an open mind is a key to enjoying your experience in Japan.

First impressions are important everywhere, but especially in Japan. Your appearance and manner will have a tremendous bearing on the attitudes of students and coworkers.

Dealing with Culture Shock

Living in Japan can be exciting and stimulating, but it can also be confusing, frustrating and overwhelming at times. You will inevitably be faced with challenges, such as the open-concept layout of the Japanese workplace. Offices and staff rooms are usually large, open spaces, with desks organized in clusters, according to work groups. Noise levels can be high, and there is often a constant and distracting bustle of activity. Japan does not prohibit smoking in offices and schools, so a smoke-filled workplace is common.

Most foreigners living overseas experience a degree of culture shock. This form of psychological stress affects even experienced expatriates and occurs when familiar cues and patterns are no longer present. It is important to recognize the symptoms of culture shock, which may be fleeting or last several months. Symptoms include irritability, sleepiness, apathy, depression, compulsive eating, excessive drinking, exaggerated yearning for all things and friends back home, negative stereotyping of Japanese people, a decline in efficiency, recurring minor illnesses, and obsession with cleanliness or health. These impacts may be aggravated by a lack of exercise, rest and nutrition.

The symptoms of culture shock tend to surface three to six months after arrival, when the novelty of a new place begins to fade and settling in becomes imperative. The following suggestions may help to ease the adjustment process:

  • Admit frankly that these impacts exist. It is not a sign of weakness to admit that you feel uncomfortable, tense or confused.
  • Recognize that adjusting is hard work. View change as a challenge instead of a threat. Do not expect everything to fall into place immediately.
  • Establish a routine as soon as possible. A routine for eating, sleeping and personal time provides an anchor when everything else is flux.
  • Make your home a comfortable and safe haven. Create a space of your own and take time out for yourself. It is not enough to look forward to vacations.
  • Learn the rules of living in Japan. Learn as much as possible about Japanese culture. Try to understand how and why the Japanese act the way they do. Japanese behaviour and customs are different from your own, but they are neither better nor worse than what you are used to. Instead of trying to change everybody else, adjust yourself.
  • Learn some Japanese. Learning even a little Japanese will make your life a lot easier and is always appreciated by the Japanese. The best time to start is at the beginning of your stay, as many foreigners lose momentum and end up living in the country for years without speaking a word of Japanese.
  • Get involved and meet people. Pursuing interests you share with others is a good way to bridge the cultural gap.
  • Keep in touch with friends and family back home.

You can find more information on culture shock and how to cope with living in a foreign country in the Consular Affairs publication Working Abroad: Unravelling the Maze.

The Tokyo English Life Line (TELL) is a 24-hour helpline that provides counselling to foreigners in Japan. For assistance, visit the Web site or call 03-3498-0231.

Female Teachers in Japan

More Canadian women are travelling abroad than ever before. Whatever your age or marital status, as a foreign woman living in Japan you will have to contend with unique health- and safety-related concerns. A bit of planning and research will prove to be invaluable.

While expectations of women are different from country to country, you have a choice in how you respond to these expectations. Women still tend to take second place in the Japanese workplace, and you may have some disagreeable experiences. For example, you may not like the idea of the “office lady” (OL) serving tea to everybody. You may be shocked at incidents you perceive as sexual harassment. How you respond is up to you, but it is important to discuss your opinions with others while maintaining cultural sensitivity. Do not let others pressure you into conforming to the norm of Japanese femininity. Be yourself. The Japanese are as eager to learn about you as you are about them.

The Japanese often use compliments as a way to smooth communications. You may receive a lot of comments about your appearance from colleagues, students, prospective friends and even strangers. Sometimes colleagues may seem overly concerned about your welfare. Although their concern should be appreciated, comments about how you spend your private time, how you dress, your hairstyle or your weight may not be welcome. Handle these comments as politely and firmly as possible.

If you become the victim of sexual assault, you should immediately seek the assistance of the nearest medical and police authorities. The Embassy of Canada in Tokyo can help you find support to deal with the emotional, social, medical and legal consequences of the assault.

For more information, consult the Consular Affairs publication Her Own Way: Advice for the Woman Traveller. Filled with practical tips of interest to the female traveller, its prime objective is to encourage Canadian women to travel safely. Also recommended are Bon Voyage, But… and Working Abroad. Both are available on-line at or by calling 1-800-267-8376 (in Canada) or (613) 944-4000.

Other on-line travel resources for women are and


How the Embassy of Canada Can Help

The Embassy of Canada in Tokyo assists Canadians in a variety of ways. It notarizes documents required to process applications for visas and residence permits. It renews Canadian passports and provides consular assistance to Canadians in difficulty. And it can provide contact information for various Japanese government agencies. If you need legal advice, the embassy can provide you with a list of lawyers and law firms, although it cannot provide specific recommendations, and the choice of legal representation must be your own. The embassy and its consulates in Japan will attempt to respond to all your questions and complaints.

Finally, all Canadian citizens in Japan are encouraged to register with the embassy. Information obtained through registration can be used to contact you in an emergency or if family or friends need to get in touch with you urgently. Registration is voluntary, and the information you provide is protected and used in acc ordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act. You can register on-line, by mail or in person with the Embassy of Canada.


Consular Services

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

Consular Affairs Bureau

Tel.: 1 800 267-6788 (in Canada and the U.S.) or (613) 944-6788
TTY: 1 800 394-3472 (in Canada and the U.S.) or (613) 944-1310

Tel.: (613) 996-8885
(call collect from abroad where available)

The Consular Affairs Bureau publishes, in both official languages, a series of safe travel brochures.

Country Travel Reports provide information on safety and security conditions, health issues and entry requirements for over 200 travel destinations. This information is also available by telephone: 1 800 267-6788 (in Canada and the U.S.) or (613) 944-6788.

Canadian government offices abroad

Foreign government offices accredited to Canada

Passport Canada
Tel.: 1 800 567-6868 (in Canada and the U.S.)
TTY: 1 866 255-7655

Visit our For More Information page.


Publication Info

Published by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

Information in this publication is readily available for personal and public non-commercial use and may be reproduced, in part or in whole and by any means, without charge or further permission from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. We ask only that:

  • Users exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy of the materials reproduced;
  • Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada be identified as the source department; and
  • the reproduction not be represented as an official version of the materials reproduced, nor as having been made in affiliation with or with the endorsement of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.

All information in this publication is provided on an “as is” basis without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained in this publication is accurate. The reader is also encouraged to supplement this information with independent research and professional advice.

This publication is available in alternative formats upon request.

To obtain more information, write to:

Enquiries Service
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
125 Sussex Drive
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