Business Number

The Business Number initiative provides the Canadian government with a common identification system for business clients. This initiative integrates four separate account numbers into one, for the following major programs:

  • Customs Import/Export
  • PayrollSource Deductions
  • Corporate Income Tax
  • GST

The Business Number is the key to single window access to Canada Border Service Agency.

Effective January 1997, the use of the Business Number (BN) is mandatory for all export reporting.

In order to participate in the Canadian Automated Export Declaration Program, an exporter must have a valid Business Number for exporting. Upon receipt of all CAED applications, the BN will be verified that it is active for exporting. Once BN verification is completed, the applicant will then be contacted by the CAED helpline. At this point the applicant will either be allowed to continue the registration process ( if the BN is valid) or will be required to contact CRA to activate their Business Number for exports. For BN activation purposes, CRA can be contacted from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time at 1‑800‑959‑5525.

Outside Canada: Contact information for non-residents

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