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Home Ownership Programs

The Home Ownership Programs offered by YHC:

  • bridge market gaps in the availability of home ownership financing for Yukon residents; and/or
  • encourage the construction or conversion of housing that is more environmentally or people friendly than conventional housing

Conventional Homes:

  • Home Ownership - Mortgage financing up to a maximum of $225,000 is available for Yukoners who are not eligible for bank financing for reasons such as: insufficient down payment; remote house location; or seasonal or self-employment. Clients will typically have a good credit history or background and an income capable of supporting regular mortgage payments.
  • Owner-Build - Construction financing for up to two years for Yukoners who want to build their own, modest, homes. Approved clients contribute labor-equity or management skills in the building of their own homes. Clients without demonstrable project management skills also participate in the Corporation's "Self-Help" education course.
  • Extended Mortgage Guarantee - Rural Yukon only - enables rural residents to access insured mortgage financing for home construction through commercial lending institutes. Applicants may qualify for up to 95% of the cost of construction of their new home, with Yukon Housing Corporation providing an extension of the mortgage insurance available through the commercial lender.
  • Home Completion - Rural Yukon only - enables rural residents to complete construction of their homes, including refinancing of an existing mortgage or personal loan to cover the cost of completing the home.

Mobile Homes:

  • Mobile Home Equity Exchange - Assists owners of mobile homes that are in extremely poor condition and located on rental stalls to achieve homeownership on titled property.
  • Home Purchase Assistance - This program complements the Equity Exchange program to assist low-income clients achieve homeownership on titled property.
  • Mobile Home Relocation - Assists owners of mobile homes located on rental stalls to relocate their homes onto titled property. Provides funding for lot purchases, relocation costs, and repair and upgrade costs.

Energy-Efficient / Healthy Homes:

Homes that are more environmentally or people-friendly than conventional-built homes

  • Green Mortgage - Reduced interest rate mortgage financing up to $280,000 for homes built or upgraded to Yukon Housing Corporation's energy-efficient GreenHome standard. Constructed by Yukoners, and with Yukon businesses supplying at least 75% of the building materials, GreenHomes offer many environmental, homeowner, and community benefits.
  • R-2000 - An initiative of Natural Resources Canada, the R-2000 program promotes the construction of high-quality, energy-efficient, comfortable housing. Yukon Housing Corporation is the licensed delivery agent for this program in the Yukon. Homes built to the national R-2000 standard are certified R-2000. R-2000 homes also qualify for Green Mortgage interest rates if the home is constructed by Yukoners, using 75% Yukon-supplied materials.

Need more information on any of these programs? We welcome your call or visit or send us an email including your daytime telephone number - a Program Officer will call you within two business days.


Contact Us:

410H Jarvis Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2H5
Phone: (867) 667-5759
Fax: (867) 667-3664
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 5759

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