Government of Canada

Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web)

Employment Insurance (EI) frequently asked questions

More Information

  1. What is ROE Web all about?
  2. When and who can use the ROE Web application?
  3. Who is developing the application and how can I get it?
  4. Where do I go for more information or to register?  
  5. What will I need to run the application?
  6. Am I expected to enter information into the application?
  7. What is the Bulk Transfer?
  8. What comes after the completion of ROEs or the Bulk Transfer?
  9. How large a file can I send through the Bulk Transfer?
  10. What format is used to store the ROE data? 
  11. Can an interface be written from the employer's payroll application into the Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) ROE Web application?  
  12. Will HRSDC provide the service of writing the interface? 
  13. Where can employers view the user requirements? 
  14. If an interface can be written, can the data be manipulated in any way using the ROE Web application? 
  15. If the data has been manipulated by the ROE Web application, is there provision to transfer the changes back to the employers' payroll application? 
  16. What does the 53 week Web printed ROE look like? 
  17. Does the ROE Web application print the form as well as the data? Or must an employer have special print stock and only the actual data is printed?  
  18. Once the ROE is printed, can the information be viewed on-line in the HRSDC ROE Web application?  
  19. Can a ROE be reprinted if a printer jams? Is a new serial number issued? 
  20. Can a ROE be amended in the HRSDC ROE Web application? If so, how is this tracked? 

  1. What is ROE Web all about?

    ROE Web is an application for Canadian employers to create and print ROEs using Internet technology and submit them to Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) electronically. The applications include:

    • ROE Web Online Data Entry: Employers will use common Internet browsers such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer to complete ROE forms on the Web and transmit them to HRSDC for validation. Valid ROEs will be acknowledged, assigned a serial number starting with "W" and saved into the HRSDC database for 11 years. Saved valid ROEs can be retrieved for printing at a later time. Security mechanisms using Public Key Infrastructure will protect the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of the data exchanged between employers and HRSDC over the Internet.
    • ROE Web Bulk Transfer: Employers with high volumes of ROEs will extract data from their payroll systems and submit them to HRSDC in batches, using file transfer protocol, for bulk processing. The originator will receive acknowledgement of valid transactions and rejections. Security mechanisms using Public Key Infrastructure will protect the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data exchanged between employers and HRSDC over the Internet.


  2. When and who will be able to use the ROE Web application?

    The 53 week ROE Web application is currently available to Canadian businesses that have at least one Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number and who meet the system requirements. If you are a business outside Canada your registered subsidiary operating in Canada can use the ROE Web application.

    Accountants and bookkeepers who wish to sign up clients can also use ROE Web.

    If your business has an agreement with a Payroll Service Provider (PSP) to issue Records of Employment (ROE), HRSDC has developed a solution for your PSP to electronically issue ROEs. Contact your Payroll Service Provider to find out if the service is available.

    If your business uses specialized payroll software to issue ROEs, contact your Software Vendor to check whether ROE Web is among the features included in their software.

    To date, we are not able to provide the ROE Web service for self-employed fishers.


  3. Who is developing the application and how can I get it?

    The application has been developed by HRSDC. Any employer who wishes to produce ROEs with the new technology will first need to be authenticated and enrolled in the program by HRSDC. They will also need a Government of Canada epass, which once obtained can be used with ROE Web and any other Government of Canada on-line service for which they are registered.

  4. Where do I go for more information or to register?

    If you would like to receive further information on the 53 week ROE Web, or wish to register to use the system, please contact your Service Canada Centre.

  5. What will I need to run the application?
    • High speed Internet access — due to the fact that the dial-up system is too slow to allow a transmission to be completed successfully;

    • Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 5 or later;

    • Meet the minimum technical requirements for using and epass as indicated on the Epass Canada siteGovernment of Canada site;

    • Users must accept the Applet warning message when using the ROE Web application.


  6. Am I expected to enter information into the application?

    Yes. As mentioned above, employers have the options of bulk transfer or keyboard input. For those electing to use the keyboard, defaults for constant information will reduce the amount of information that has to be entered.

  7. What is the Bulk Transfer?

    The ROE Web application will accept ASCII text files extracted from your payroll system in a defined format. Using the ROE Web application, you will be able to choose a specific file from your file system and send it to HRSDC.

  8. What comes after the completion of ROEs or Bulk Transfer?

    Here are the next steps that you can expect to find when using the two main tools of ROE Web:

    • ROE Web Data Entry: Once the ROE is completed on-line, you can either choose to save it as a draft or submit it directly to HRSDC. Valid ROEs are acknowledged, assigned a "W" serial number and saved into the HRSDC database for 11 years. Saved ROEs can be retrieved for printing at a later time, such as when an employee loses his/her ROE and asks for a copy.

    • ROE Web Bulk Transfer: Employers with high volumes of ROEs may choose to extract data from their payroll systems and submit them to HRSDC in batches, using file transfer protocol, for bulk processing. The employer is able to view on the screen ROEs: issued, passed, failed and rejected. A confirmation message is issued for the file that has been transferred successfully.

    Reminder: You must print a copy of the ROE to give to your employee even if he/she has no intention of filing a claim for EI benefits.

    Some definitions:

    • ROE Issued: ROEs that have been submitted and successfully passed validation;
    • ROE Passed: ROEs that have been saved as a draft and have successfully passed validation;
    • ROE Failed: ROEs that have failed at least one validation criteria;
    • ROE Rejected: ROEs that have an invalid or missing Canada Revenue Agency Business Number (BN).


  9. How large a file can I send through the Bulk Transfer?

    Currently, you can send up to 500 ROEs at one time. Future versions of the application will enable you to send a greater number of records.

  10. What format is used to store the ROE data? 

    The ROE data is stored in an Oracle database located at HRSDC. Registered, authorized and certified employers can access data through the Internet.

  11. Can an interface be written from the employer's payroll application into the HRSDC ROE Web application?

    Employers can write programs to extract data from their payroll systems as an interface to the ROE Web application. HRSDC will provide the specifications for the record format required for this interface.

  12. Will HRSDC provide the service of writing this interface?

    No. There are far too many payroll packages, hardware platforms and operating environments for HRSDC to contemplate writing the interface.

  13. Where can employers view the user requirements?

    The user requirements for the 53 week ROE can be viewed through HRSDC Internet site.

  14. If an interface can be written, can the data be manipulated using the ROE Web application? 

    The keyboard data entry program allows employers to modify data that has been imported from a payroll application.

  15. If the data has been manipulated by the ROE Web application, is there a provision to transfer the changes back to the employers' payroll application? 

    ROE Web has an import feature to extract pertinent information from the ROE Web database into an XML file. The employer can then import the data into their payroll software and it can be used to issue amended ROEs in bulk – 53 week format only. The layout for the import XML file format is based on the requirements as described in Appendix C .  


  16. What does the  53 week Web printed ROE look like?

    The format of the Web printed ROE is exactly the same as the format of the current three-part pre-printed form except that Block 15C includes space for 53 pay periods and the serial number assigned to the ROE Web will start with "W".

  17. Does the ROE Web application print the form as well as the data, or must an employer have special print stock and only the actual data is printed? 

    The ROE Web application creates a PDF file that will contain the data presented in the ROE form format. Employers will be able to print and view the ROE in that format, as well as the information found on the back of the ROE forms.

  18. Once the ROE is printed, can the information be viewed on-line in the HRSDC ROE Web application?

    ROEs with serial numbers are retained in the HRSDC database for a period of 11 years. These ROEs can be viewed or printed any time within the 11-year period. ROEs without a serial number are identified as draft ROEs and are retained for a period of 15 days in the HRSDC database. Within this period employers have the choice to submit and store the ROE or View and Print the draft ROE. After the 15-day period the draft ROE will be deleted from the HRSDC database. 

    Under the provisions of the Employment Insurance Act, the employer has to keep one copy of all ROEs issued as a part of his records and book of account for a period of 6 years. ROE Web allows employers to keep these Records of Employment electronically. 

  19. Can a ROE be reprinted if a printer jams? Is a new serial number issued?

    A ROE can be printed as often as required; the serial number remains the same.

  20. Can a ROE be amended in the HRSDC ROE Web application? If so, how is this tracked? 

    If employers wish to amend a ROE, they have the option of selecting «ROE» from the main menu and then the Amend option or amending their ROE in bulk in conjunction with the Import feature and the 53 week bulk file layouts. The Amend option from the ROE menu calls up the original ROE on the screen and allows employers to make modifications and re-submit the amended ROE. A new serial number will be assigned to the amended ROE. Amending an ROE in bulk allows the user to modify the original ROE information in a bulk file by including the original serial number of the ROE being amended. A new serial number will be assigned to the amended ROE