Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Current Issues Categories
Natural Disaster Category

Last Updated: November 15, 2007 15:07 EST
Still Valid: November 15, 2007 21:21 EST
Originally Posted: November 13, 2007 13:25 EST

India and Bangladesh - Tropical Cyclone Sidr - natural disaster

Tropical Cyclone Sidr, category 4, is moving northward through the Bay of Bengal. The storm is expected to make landfall in Bangladesh on November 15 or 16, 2007. Thousands of residents in coastal towns have been evacuated. Mongla Port, Chittagong and Cox’s Bizar are expected to be seriously affected. Canadians residing or travelling in Bangladesh should avoid this region. Shah Amanat International Airport (CGP) in Chittagong is closed. Meteorologists predict that the cyclone will trigger a tidal surge that could reach several metres high. Both India and Burma (Myanmar) are also expected to be affected. High winds and heavy rain are anticipated. Flooding and mudslides may occur. 

Travellers should be aware that power and telecommunications systems could be affected. Transportation services may be disrupted in the coming days. Canadians are advised to maintain a flexible schedule to allow for unexpected interruptions when travelling to the affected areas. They should also be aware of an increase in the transmission of water-borne diseases. Canadians residing in or travelling to lowland areas and affected areas should exercise caution, monitor local news and weather reports, and follow the advice of local authorities.


For advice on travel India and Bangledesh, see our Travel Reports.