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TRAVEL REPORTS (Print Versions):       



Last Updated: July 18, 2007 15:27 EDT
Still Valid: November 19, 2007 21:15 EST


Sections 3 and 4 of this Travel Report have been updated.

The State of Qatar (capital: Doha) is a peninsula located in the Persian Gulf, between Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Tourist facilities are widely available. The official language is Arabic.



There is no Official Warning for this country.

OFFICIAL REGISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada offers a
registration service for Canadians travelling or residing abroad. Although Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada does not warn against travel to this country or region(s) of this country, Canadians are encouraged to register with the responsible Canadian government office due to the security situation and/or the absence of Canadian representation in this country. Registration can be done on-line or by calling the responsible Canadian government office abroad to request a registration form.



The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller. The traveller is also responsible for his or her own personal safety. The purpose of this Travel Report is to provide Canadians with up-to-date information to enable them to make well-informed decisions.

The crime rate is generally low. However, normal precautions should be taken to ensure personal belongings and passports are secure. Use only officially marked taxis or reputable limousine services.

Female visitors may be harassed, and should take care when travelling alone after dark. The Department publishes a booklet entitled
Her Own Way: A Woman’s Guide to Safe and Successful Travel. Its prime objective is to inform Canadian women and encourage them to travel safely.

You should maintain a high level of personal security awareness at all times as the security situation could deteriorate rapidly without notice. Exercise caution, particularly in commercial and public establishments frequented by foreigners. Canadians should monitor local developments and register and follow the advice of local authorities.



The following information on entry and exit requirements has been confirmed with the Qatari authorities and was valid on July 18, 2007. However, entry and exit requirements are subject to change.

It is the sole prerogative of each country to determine who is allowed to enter. All countries have special requirements for persons intending to reside for extended periods (usually more than 90 days) or who plan to work, study, or engage in non-tourist activities. To obtain information on specific entry requirements, contact the nearest diplomatic or consular office of the country or countries to be visited. Violations of entry and exit requirements may result in serious penalties.

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada’s Office of Protocol provides contact details for the
Embassy of the State of Qatar, where you can obtain further information on entry and exit requirements.

A valid Canadian passport is required for Canadians intending to visit Qatar. The passport should be valid for at least six months beyond the date of your expected departure from the country.

Tourist Visa: Required
Business Visa: Required
Student Visa: Required

Although single-entry visas are available upon arrival at border points, visas should be obtained from the Embassy of the State of Qatar prior to departure in order to avoid complications upon arrival. You can also apply online via the Ministry of the interior in the State of Qatar Web site. Canadians are also required to have a ticket for round-trip or onward travel.

Any person that wants to obtain a residence work visa must submit a Certificate of Good Conduct to their potential employer, who is responsible for the collection of the residence work visa. It is strongly recommended that you obtain a Certificate of Good Conduct from police authorities before leaving Canada. Otherwise, the process could take several months and you could be forced to leave the country until the situation is resolved.

Canadians have been denied entry into Qatar because their passports bear: a) an Israeli visa; b) an Israeli border stamp; or c) an Egyptian or Jordanian border stamp issued by an office bordering Israel (such a stamp would indicate the traveller entered from Israel).

A Seafarer's Identity Document (SID), also known as a seaman's book, is necessary to enter Qatar with a ship.

Qatari employers/sponsors have customarily retained the passports of foreign employees. Foreign nationals, including Canadian citizens, may not leave Qatar without the permission of their employer/sponsor.

All foreigners planning to travel or reside in Qatar for longer than one month must undergo a medical examination and testing for infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Medical certificates must be issued upon arrival in the country; those issued by foreign medical authorities will not be accepted. HIV positive individuals will be refused entry in the country.

Canadians travelling in the Middle East are advised that their passports could come under increased scrutiny by immigration authorities, and the authenticity of their passports could be questioned due to incidents of possible misuse. Canadians experiencing problems are encouraged to contact the nearest Canadian government office or Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada in Ottawa for advice and assistance.

A Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (CCC) is not a travel document. Airlines are known to refuse boarding to dual national Canadian passengers returning to Canada, travelling on a passport that requires a visa to enter Canada, regardless of whether the passenger presents a valid CCC as proof of Canadian citizenship. A Canadian passport is the only reliable and universally accepted travel and identification document for the purpose of international travel. It proves your admissibility to enter Canada.

Selling, altering, or allowing another person to use your passport is a criminal offence. It could lead to the laying of charges and imprisonment if convicted. It could also lead to the denial of future passport services.

Special and diplomatic passport holders should verify visa requirements for this and other countries, as they may differ from those that apply to regular passport holders.

Any adult travelling with children may be required to show evidence of parental/custodial and/or access rights. Foreign and Canadian authorities may also require evidence that the adult has the consent of the parents, legal guardian, and/or the court to travel with the children. Some countries may not permit children to enter or, in some cases, leave the country without proper documentation such as a letter of consent or a court order.

Although same-sex marriages are legal in Canada, many countries do not recognize them. Attempting to enter as a same-sex married couple may result in refusal by local officials. For more information, contact the foreign government office accredited to Canada.



There is no resident Canadian government office in Qatar. Canadian citizens can contact the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Doha for emergency consular assistance (tel.: 974 442-1991 / e-mail: You can obtain consular assistance and further consular information at the following address:

Kuwait - KUWAIT CITY, Embassy of Canada
Address: Villa 24, Block 4, 24 Al-Mutawakkal Street, Da'aiyah, Kuwait City
Postal Address: P.O. Box 25281, Kuwait City, Safat 13113
Tel.: 965 256-3025
Fax: 965 256-0173

For emergency assistance after hours, call the Embassy of Canada in Kuwait City, Kuwait, and follow the instructions. You may also call the Department in Ottawa at 613-996-8885.



You are subject to local laws. A serious violation may lead to a jail or death sentence. The sentence will be served in local prisons.

Canadians arrested or detained have the right to contact the responsible Canadian government office (embassy, high commission, etc.) listed in Section 5 above. Arresting officials have a responsibility to assist you in doing so. Canadian consular officials can provide a list of local lawyers upon request.

The procedures required in legal proceedings or police investigations may be different from the procedures in force in the Canadian legal system. Canadians wishing to undertake such proceedings can expect to face long delays and additional efforts in order to resolve their case. The Government of Canada cannot intervene in ongoing legal proceedings in other countries, unless requested to do so by local authorities. Such requests are rare.

Penalties for using or trafficking drugs, as well as for drunk driving and other related offences are severe.

Islamic practices and beliefs are closely adhered to in the country’s customs, laws, and regulations. Common sense and discretion should be exercised in dress and behaviour. Visitors should dress conservatively (e. g., women should wear a headscarf and also cover their arms and legs). Respect religious and social traditions to avoid offending local sensitivities. The use of drugs and alcohol is prohibited. Transgressions could be punished by detention or other penalties.

Unlike some other countries in the region, however, it is uncommon for Western women to cover their head. Dresses and skirts are permitted, provided they cover the shoulders and knees. Shorts and short skirts are considered inappropriate.

During the lunar month of Ramadan (the ninth month of the Muslim calendar), visitors should refrain from drinking, eating, and smoking in public between sunrise and sunset. This year, Ramadan is expected to begin on or about September 13, 2007.

Persons who possess Qatari citizenship in addition to Canadian citizenship are considered Qatari citizens by the Government of Qatar and are subject to its laws. Qatari citizenship imposes special obligations, particularly with respect to child custody, military service, and entry and departure procedures. Qatar is not a signatory to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. This may limit the ability of Canadian consular officials to provide assistance.

Homosexuality is illegal. Convicted offenders may face lengthy jail sentences, lashing and/or deportation.

Importing pork products, alcohol, pornographic material, firearms, and religious material for the purpose of proselytizing is forbidden. Videos are subject to scrutiny and may be censored.

Do not photograph public buildings and military sites.



Roads are generally safe. Poor lighting, wandering animals, and high-speed driving are problems in rural areas. The main international routes from Saudi Arabia are often impassable during the rainy season (December-January). Accidents due to driver error are common. In the event of an accident, the driver should not attempt to move the vehicle, even if it impedes traffic. The driver should call 999 and wait for the police to arrive. If the accident resulted in injuries or deaths, the driver must not leave until permitted to do so by the police. Excursions to the desert should always be undertaken in a convoy of four-wheel-drive vehicles equipped with water, food, and a cellular phone. Travel plans should be left with friends or relatives.

The Traffic Department of the Ministry of Interior requires all drivers living in Qatar to hold either a permanent or temporary licence, based on their residency status. Driving application forms are available at the Department of Public Relations. Permanent residents are not allowed to use an
International Driving Permit (IDP). Visitors may use an IDP but must have the approval of the Traffic Department. The approval period is determined by the length of stay. Canadian licences are valid to drive for seven days, and then you must seek a Qatari licence.

The currency is the Qatar riyal (QAR). Credit cards and traveller's cheques in U. S. dollars are widely accepted. Canadian currency and traveller's cheques are not widely accepted worldwide. To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travellers are advised to take travellers cheques in U. S. dollars or pounds sterling. There are no restrictions on the import or export of either local or foreign currency. Israeli currency, however, is prohibited.

Canadian currency and traveller's cheques are not widely accepted worldwide. Check with your bank for information on Automated Banking Machine (ABM) services in other countries. You can also check the VISA ATM locator page or the MasterCard ATM locator page for the addresses of ABMs around the world. Your bank can advise if you need a new personal identification number (PIN) for overseas access to your account. Credit cards and debit cards should be used with caution due to the potential for fraud and other criminal activity. ABMs should be used during business hours inside a bank, supermarket, or large commercial building. Leave copies of your card numbers with a family member in case of emergency.



High levels of humidity and severe heat occur from June to September.



Public Health Agency of Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO) report on disease outbreaks that occur throughout the world. For the latest travel health advisories and related information, visit the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Travel Medicine Program Web site.

The Public Health Agency of Canada strongly recommends that your travel plans include contacting a travel medicine clinic or physician six to eight weeks before departure. Based on your individual risk assessment, a health care professional can determine your need for immunizations and/or preventive medication and advise you on precautions to avoid disease. Travellers are reminded to ensure that their routine (childhood) immunizations (e.g., tetanus, diphtheria, polio, and measles) are up to date.

Standards of medical care may differ from those in Canada. Treatment may be expensive, and payment in advance may be required. Travellers are advised to arrange for medical insurance prior to departure. Prescription medications should be kept in the original container and packed in carry-on luggage.

The Public Health Agency of Canada also recommends that travellers who become sick or feel unwell on their return to Canada seek a medical assessment with their personal physician. Travellers should inform their physician that they have been travelling or living outside of Canada.



Basic modern medical care and medicines are available in Doha.



Returning to Canada

Traveller's Checklist

Health and Travel Insurance: Do not rely on your provincial health plan to cover all expenses if you get sick or are injured while abroad. It may cover nothing or only a portion of the costs. Understand the terms of your supplementary insurance policy. Some credit cards offer their holders health and travel insurance. Do not assume the card alone provides adequate coverage. Carry details of your insurance with you. Also, tell your travel agent, a friend or relative, and/or travelling companion how to contact your insurer. Get a detailed invoice from the doctor or hospital before you return to Canada. Always submit original receipts for any medical services or prescriptions received abroad. Most insurance companies will not accept copies or faxes. See Canada's Health Portal.

Cancelling a scheduled trip abroad could cost you money. Before cancelling a scheduled trip, you should discuss the matter with your travel agent, your travel insurer, or the airline. The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller.

Adoption: Provincial and territorial authorities in Canada are responsible for authorizing international adoptions. If you are thinking of adopting a child from another country, you must first obtain information about the adoption regulations of the province or territory in which the child will reside. While adoption is a provincial/territorial responsibility, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is responsible for allowing an adopted child entry into Canada. Entry can be refused if the child does not hold the appropriate immigrant visa. A visa may be denied, even if the adoption has already been completed. For more information contact CIC at 1 888 242-2100 (in Canada only), check the CIC Web site or contact your provincial or territorial government.