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RADARSAT-2 Overview

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RADARSAT-2 demonstrates the Canadian space community's leadership in developing remote sensing technology and applications. With state-of-the-art technology, it is one of the world's most advanced commercially available Earth observation radar-image providers and offers users around the world an expanded range of high-quality data products for hundreds of applications.

Responding to modern challenges

The RADARSAT-2 mission design and construction incorporates new capabilities that ensure Canada's continued leadership in the global marketplace for radar image data. The primary mission objective is the supply and distribution of data and products to meet the needs of present and future markets using a commercially viable approach. This is achieved by leveraging the knowledge and experience gained through the long and successful RADARSAT-1 mission while taking advantage of new technologies.

A key priority of the Canadian Space Program is responding to the twin challenges of monitoring the environment and managing natural resources. The hardy, versatile RADARSAT Earth Observation satellites are a major data source for commercial applications and remote sensing science.

For managing natural resources and monitoring the environment in the 21st century, RADARSAT-2 is an indispensable tool for disaster monitoring worldwide. Scientific and commercial users in agriculture, cartography, hydrology, forestry, oceanography, and ice studies will greatly benefit from more readily accessible radar data.

RADARSAT products also provide valuable information for major application areas in coastal and marine surveillance, and security and foreign policy.

Commercially viable

The Canadian Space Program is committed to ensuring Canada's Earth observation community develops into a leading, profitable and sustainable business through the continued development of remote sensing technology and applications. RADARSAT-2 is proof positive of Canada's commitment to a vigorous knowledge economy through support for leading-edge research, the development of innovative technologies, and the establishment of public-private sector partnerships.


Updated: 2006/09/06 Important Notices