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RADARSAT-2 Info, for complementary information about RADARSAT-2
MDA Geospatial Services contracted to construct and operate RADARSAT-2 and commercialize its potential
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing of Natural Resources Canada
EMS Technologies furnished the SAR antenna and the radar electronics
ABLE Engineering was the extendible support structure subcontractor
Alenia Spazio developed and contructed the RADARSAT-2 bus and the solar arrays
Starsem, contracted by MDA to launch RADARSAT-2


Glossary of remote sensing terms by the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Pre-launch demonstration products

RADARSAT-2 Applications Development Web site, by the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing


Epsilon Naught Radar Remote Sensing, an on-line polarimetry tutorial
PolSAR Pro Tutorials, Polarimetric SAR data processing tool from the European Space Agency

Software tools and applications

PolSAR Pro, version 2.0  beta 8 version of the Polarimetric SAR data processing tool from the European Space Agency (August 2006)
PCI Geomatica: SAR Polarimetry Workstation from PCI Geomatics, a leading developer of geospatial software
EV-Matrix, from Vexcel,  a leader in multiple remote sensing technologies
GRASS GIS, used for data management, image processing, graphics production, spatial modelling, and visualization of many types of data.
GDAL, a translator library for raster geospatial data formats
AIRSAR, SIR-C software suite
Imaging Radar @ Southport
GeoTiff format
GeoTiff Acknowledgements


Updated: 2006/09/19 Important Notices