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Microbial Genome

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  Human Genome Project Information
About, Research, Goals, History, Benefits, Budget, FAQs, ELSI, Teachers, Students, Careers, Gene Gateway, Image Gallery, Primer, Publications

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Teachers, Students, Careers, Image Gallery, Primer, Publications, Audio, Video, Gene Gateway, Genética Websites en Español

FOCUS: Genomics Primer

  Microbial Genome Program
History, Sequenced Microbes, Why Microbes
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Gene Testing, Gene Therapy, Privacy, Patenting, Forensics, GM Foods, Cloning, Behavioral Genetics, Minorities
  Special Focus: Biofuels
Overview, Biofuels for Transportation, Ethanol Production, Biofuel Policy & Legislation, Cellulosic Ethanol: Benefits & Challenges, Biofuels to Biomass Report, Biofuels Primer Placemat, Biofuel in the News
Gene Testing, Gene Therapy, Pharmacogenomics, Genetic Counseling, Disease Information, Gene Gateway

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Website of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

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