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Departmental Plans and Reports

Western Economic Diversification Canada's (WD) annual reports to Parliament respond to the Government of Canada's commitments and reflect the goals set by Parliament to improve accountability for results.

WD Reports on Plans and Priorities

WD's Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) contains information on objectives, initiatives, and planned results for the Department, including links to related resource requirements over a three-year period. The RPP also provides details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs.

WD Performance Report

WD's Departmental Performance Report (DPR) outlines WD's achievements against the performance expectations and commitments as set out in WD's Report on Plans and Priorities. The DPR plays a key role in the cycle of planning, monitoring, evaluating and reporting of results through ministers to Parliament and Canadians.

Audit and Evaluation Plan (2006-2009)

The Audit and Evaluation Branch of Western Economic Diversification has developed a 3-year audit and evaluation plan for 2006-2009 that has been approved by the Departmental Audit and Evaluation Committee. This plan defines key areas of focus in order to meet the expectations of internal and external stakeholders. The assessment of risks and needs are an essential part of the planning and implementation process. The Audit and Evaluation Branch is positive that the planned program audits and evaluations will help to add value and promote continuous improvement within the department.

The plan will be reviewed on an annual basis in order to reassess planned work against priorities and risks of the day. Future amendments to the plan may result. Any amendments to the audit and evaluation plan will be submitted to the Departmental Audit and Evaluation Committee for approval.

Access to Information Act - WD Annual Report to Parliament

The Access to Information Act gives Canadian citizens, permanent residents and any person and corporation present in Canada a right of access to information contained in government records, subject to certain specific and limited exceptions.

Western Economic Diversification Canada's (WD) Annual Report to Parliament describes how WD administered its responsibilities under these Acts during each financial year.

Privacy Act - WD Annual Report to Parliament

The Privacy Act extends to individuals the right of access to information about themselves held by the government, subject to specific and limited exceptions. This Act also protects individuals' privacy by preventing others from having access to their personal information and gives individuals substantial control over its collection, use and disclosure.

Western Economic Diversification Canada's (WD) Annual Report to Parliament describes how WD administered its responsibilities under these Acts during each financial year.


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Departmental Plans & Publications are available in Canada through your local bookseller or by mail from Canadian Government Publishing (PWGSC) Ottawa, Canada K1A 0S9 | Telephone: 1-800-635-7943 | Internet site: http://publications.pwgsc.gc.ca/ This link leaves our Web site