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Interpretation guide of natural geographic features from ETM+ Landsat imagery and aerial photography


Index of Features

The purpose of this project is to create a visual interpretative guide to the natural geographical entities in the geospatial database (GDB) using Landsat7 ETM+ imagery and aerial photography. The methodology and information fact sheet were developed by Provencher and Dubois (2004a), and the application of this procedure to a test case has already garnered a consensus among the staff of CTI at Sherbrooke (Provencher and Dubois (2004b). The meanings of the sections of the fact sheets are explained in the Glossary Opens in a new window.

The eight natural entities in the GDB (Centre for Topographic Information, 2004) fall under eight themes that are grouped into three domains: hydrography, landforms, and vegetation (Table 1). In practice, for interpretive purposes they are often subdivided further and represented by 17 fact sheets.

Table 1: Hierarchy of natural geographical entities

Domain Theme Sub-theme GDB entity Fact sheet
Perennial watercourse Permanent water 1. Permanent water
Alluvium Intermittent water 2. Intermittent water
Waterfall Water disturbance 3. Waterfalls and rapids
Rapids Water disturbance 3. Waterfalls and rapids
Perennial freshwater body Permanent water 1. Permanent water
Alluvium, rocky surface Intermittent water 2. Intermittent water
Saltwater Permanent water 1. Permanent water
Alluvium, rocky surface (tidal flat) Intermittent water 2. Intermittent water
Reef Water disturbance 4. Reef
Tundra pond Saturated soil 5. Tundra ponds
Palsa bog Saturated soil 6. Palsa bog
Marsh, swamp, and uniform peat bog (wetland) Saturated soil 7. Wetlands (marshes and swamps, peat bogs)
String bog Wetlands 8. Wetlands (string bog)
Glacial landform
Glacial debris Landform 9. Glacial debris
Esker Landform 10. Esker
Moraine Landform 11. Moraine
Glacier, glacial ice cap, and ice shelf Permanent snow and ice 12. Permanent snow and ice
Periglacial landform
Polygonal soil Landform 13. Tundra polygon
Pingo Landform 14. Pingo
Littoral landform
Barrier beach and spit Landform (sand) 15. Barrier beach and spit
Eolian landform
Dunes Landform (sand) 16. Dunes
Wooded region
  Wooded region 17. Wooded region


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