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News Updated: Wed Dec 27 | 4:58 AM EST
VOL. 6 NO. 6 | November-December 2006
The American Journal of Bioethics | Volume 6 Number 6
Current TOC | Past Issues | The Editors


Blastomere Blasphemy
by Ricki Lewis

Ethics and Public Health Emergencies: Rationing Vaccines
by Matthew K. Wynia

Target Articles

Disclosing Individual Genetic Results to Research Participants
by Vardit Ravitsky

Open Peer Commentary

Analogical Reasoning in Handling Emerging Technologies: The Case of Umbilical Cord Blood Biobanking
by Bjorn Hofmann, Soren Holm, Jan Helge Solbakk

Open Peer Commentary
Book Reviews

A Review of: "Eric Kodish, Ethics and Research with Children. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2005. 361 pp. $59.50, hardcover."
by Sara F. Goldkind

A Review of: "Jonathan D. Moreno, Is There an Ethicist in the House?: On the Cutting Edge of Bioethics. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2005. 274 pp. $29.95, hardcover."
by Felicia Cohn

A Review of: "Judith F. Daar, Reproductive Technologies and the Law. Newark, NJ: LexisNexis Matthew Bender, 2006. 880 pp. $84.00, hardcover."
by Jennifer Bard

In Focus

Challenges in the Conduct of Emergency Research in Children: A Workshop Report
by Robert M. Nelson


Response to Open Peer Commentaries on "Disclosing Individual Genetic Results to Research Participants": Defining Clinical Utility And Revisiting the Role of Relationships
by Vardit Ravitsky, Benjamin S. Wilfond

Response to Open Peer Commentaries on "Analogical Reasoning in Handling Emerging Technologies: The Case of Umbilical Cord Blood Biobanking": Analogy is Like Air--Invisible and Indispensable
by Bjorn Hofmann, Soren Holm, Jan Helge Solbakk


Study Links Heartburn Drugs, Broken Hip
(Associated Press) Taking such popular heartburn drugs as Nexium, Prevacid or Prilosec for a year or more can raise the risk of a broken hip markedly in people over 50, a large study in Britain found.

Drug Plan Companies Failed to Tell of Changes
(N.Y. Times) Some prescription drug plans did not inform Medicare beneficiaries of impending changes in their costs and benefits, as they were required to do, Bush administration officials and Congressional aides said Tuesday.

Scan Could Spot Early Alzheimer's
(BBC) Patients with the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer's disease could be diagnosed using an advanced scanning technique.

Diabetics in the Workplace Confront a Tangle of Laws
(N.Y. Times) Diabetes is becoming a conspicuous fact of life in the nation’s labor force, raising all sorts of issues for workers and managers.

Audits Fault AIDS Program
(Associated Press) President Bush's ambitious AIDS-fighting program in poor countries has pushed so hard for fast results that basic record keeping and accountability often went by the wayside.

infocus Challenges in the Conduct of Emergency Research in Children: A Workshop Report
by Robert M. Nelson

Blastomere Blasphemy
Ricki Lewis

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Don't let old fears drain the U.S. blood supply
Amid growing shortage, gay men should be allowed to make donations

Stem cell research needs regulation
Cloning in S. Korea raises host of questions

What can we learn from the Schiavo case?
Contentious battle offers Americans many important lessons

The time has come to let Terri Schiavo die
Politicians, courts must allow husband to make final decision

Movie asks the 'Million Dollar' question
Film stirs controversy over life-and-death issues


Bookstore The Rebirth of the Clinic: An Introduction to Spirituality in Health Care
by Daniel P. Sulmasy,
Georgetown University Press (2006)

The Biomedical Ethics in Film Program, launched in 1998 under the leadership of Dr. Maren Grainger-Monsen , specializes in producing innovative films on biomedical ethics. The films are created to inspire both medical students and the general public to experience and question the magnitude of the ethical dilemmas in healthcare facing our society today.