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Help Page

[About PubliCentrale]  [Publications Not Available]  [Navigation]  [Site Index]  [Search]  [Browse our Catalogue]  [Contact Us]  [What's New]  [Most Popular]  [How to Order]  [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)]  [Related Links]  [Important Notices]

This "Help" page was designed to let you know what's behind some of the buttons contained in the top and left-hand navigation bars that are located on each page within the PubliCentrale web site. It also provides some helpful hints to make your visit to our web site more productive.

Select Help from the toolbar in any window and information about the window is displayed or contact us by email or by phone.

If you've experienced difficulties while browsing or navigating the PubliCentrale site, feel free to contact us.

1. About PubliCentrale

The PubliCentrale web site is your "single window" access point to help you locate and/or order both free and priced publications and subscribe to a variety of distribution lists with fully bilingual service. These publications encompass both traditional printed documents and publications in alternative formats and electronic products, authored by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and its' agencies.

You will be able to search or browse through on-line catalogues to discover newly published works, as well as ordering publications and subscribing to distribution lists.

Information on the site, as well personalized support by knowledgeable bilingual staff available to provide assistance for locating distribution lists and/or publications that may not be available in the current inventory. Other options for locating and ordering publications may be available through the Canadian Agriculture Library.

The introduction of this web site will bring the addition of a new publication access channel for clients, however our existing channels of telephone, fax, mail and counter will continue to be available with the same level of service.

2. Publication(s) Not Available

Not all publications are available for ordering through our inventory. Some publications are out of print and are only distributed through the Canadian Agriculture Library. Contact the Canadian Agriculture Library for more information.

3. Navigation

Navigating or browsing our site is easy because of the top and left side navigation bars and the convenient buttons on each page.

You can click on any one of the links in the top navigation bar to go to the page that it represents. You can also click on any link in the left side navigation bar to move quickly to the page on which that topic appears.

4. Site Index

To discover what can be found on our site, take a look at the Site Index. It provides a comprehensive list of the main topics in our web site.

5. Search

Our web site search engine allows you to search through our catalogue of publications.

Quick Search

Quick Search allows you to do a search quickly by entering a keyword. The keyword entered will be used to search on client id or name, distribution list id or name, order id, as well as publication id and title.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search allows you to do a more detailed search by entering multiple keywords. The keywords entered will be used to search for example, addresses, organizations, etc.

6. Browse our Catalogue

We have grouped publications you may wish to browse through. You will find alphabetical lists by subject, title, organizations and authors.

7. Contact Us

This web site has been created with the needs of clients in mind. We welcome your input and feedback about the site or about any other publication related comments.

If you wish to provide feedback or comments, please contact us.

8. What’s New

Our web site will provide you with regular updates and additions to be found on the web site. We will provide featured publications and other items of interest.

9. Most Popular

Our web site will provide you with our most popular publications to be found on the web site.

10. How to Order

Our web site provides a wide range of publications, some in various formats. We are providing you with the ability to order both free and priced publications produced and published by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and it’s agencies.

11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We listed a few frequently asked questions for your reading. Sometimes looking at other people’s questions can help you find an answer to one of your questions. If this doens’t help, please contact us by telephone or by email.

12. Related Links

To view related information and/or links about publications, click on Related Links.

13. Important Notices

Notices regarding our web site, such as information on privacy, are listed in Important Notices.

[About PubliCentrale]  [Publications Not Available]  [Navigation]  [Site Index]  [Search]  [Browse our Catalogue]  [Contact Us]  [What's New]  [Most Popular]  [How to Order]  [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)]  [Related Links]  [Important Notices]

 Date Modified: 2007-10-04
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