Search AAFC Online

Search all AAFC Online information as well as information on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, National Farm Products Council, Canadian Dairy Commission, Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency, Canadian Rural Partnership, and the Review Tribunal.

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Search Engine Feedback
  • Using simple search
  • Using advanced search

    The Search provides two methods for specifying queries:

    Simple search
    • Allows you to search for documents containing a word or phrase
    • Ranks results automatically
    • Supports the use of the + and - symbols as simple operators to specify whether search terms must be included in, or excluded from, resulting documents
    Advanced search
    • Uses a more precise, logical syntax that gives more precise results
    • Optionally specifies ranking rules
    • Supports Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)
    • Optionally specifies a range of dates within which resulting documents must fall
    • Can provide a count of the number of documents that meet your search criteria


    When your query results in a large number of matching documents, the Search divides the results into separate pages for display. You can click on a specific page number to see the links on that page, or use the Next or Previous links to navigate through the pages in sequence.

    For a simple search, or an advanced search with ranking, the Search displays a maximum of 200 search results regardless of how many documents matched the query.

    Using the Simple Search

    With Autonomy's internet-style query parser (IQP), users can search entire documents or parts of documents (zones and fields) using a command syntax similar to the syntax used in many Web search engines.

    Search Terms

    In a search form enabled with Autonomy's IQP, users can enter words, phrases, and plain language. Autonomy's IQP does not support the Autonomy query language (VQL).


    To search for multiple words, separate them with spaces.


    To search for an exact phrase, surround it with double quotation marks.

    A string of capitalized words is assumed to be a name. Separate a series of names with commas.

    Commas aren't needed when the phrases are surrounded by quotation marks.

    The following example searches for a document that contains the phrases "Nova Scotia" and "Rural Team".

    Nova Scotia "Rural Team"

    Including and Excluding Search Terms

    You can limit searches by excluding or requiring search terms, or by limiting the areas of the document that are searched.

    A minus sign (-) immediately preceding a search term (word or phrase) excludes documents containing the term.

    A plus sign (+) immediately preceding a search term (word or phrase) means returned documents are guaranteed to contain the term.

    If neither sign is associated with the search term, the results may include documents that do not contain the specified term as long as they meet other search criteria.

    Query Syntax

    The query syntax is very similar to the syntax users expect to use on the Web. All queries produce valid results; therefore, be careful to form your query to produce the results you expect. Queries are interpreted according to the following rules:

    • Individual search terms are separated by whitespace characters, such as a space, tab, or comma, as in the following example:
      dairy barn
    • Search phrases are entered within double quotes, as in the following example:
      "dairy barn" cow
    • Exclude terms with the negation operator, minus ( - ), or the not operator, as in the following example:
      dairy barn -cow
      dairy barn not cow
    • Require a compulsory term with the unary inclusion operator, plus ( + ), as in the following example:
      barn cow +dairy
      This example requires the term dairy to be present.
    • Require compulsory terms with the binary inclusion operator, and, as in the following example:
      barn cow and dairy
      This example requires both the term cow and dairy to be present.

    Pass-Through of Terms

    Search terms are passed through to the VDK-level and are interpreted as autonomy Query Language (VQL) syntax. No issues arise if the terms contain only alphabetic or numeric characters. Other kinds of characters may be interpreted by the locale. If a term contains a character that is not handled by the locale, it may be interpreted as VQL; for example, a search term that includes an asterisk ( * ) would be interpreted as a wildcard.

    Using the advanced search

    A simple query uses words and phrases separated by commas.

    When a query is entered in mixed case, the search engine finds case-sensitive matches.
    Queries entered completely in upper or lower case force the search engine to find all versions of the query terms—mixed, upper, and lower case.

    To search for characters such as backslash (\), comma (,), and quotes (“ and‘), insert a backslash before the character, for example:

    To create robust queries, you can incorporate Autonomy operators and modifiers in the query syntax. The use of operators and modifiers is optional. A modifier usually is used with an operator rather than alone.

    Field searches, both text and numeric, can be performed using the relational operators. Numeric and text searches are supported for fields defined in your autonomy collections.

    Search tips

  • Concept Operators
  • Proximity Operators
  • Evidence Operators
  • ?, *
  • Relational Operators
  • (Text Fields)

    Optional Modifiers
    Performs a case-sensitive search. The search engine attempts to match the case-sensitivity provided in the query expression, when mixed case is used. CASE is invalid with the STEM operators.
    <CASE> AgriCulture

    Excludes documents containing the words or phrases. To search for the word NOT, enclose NOT in double quotes.
    apple <AND> pear <AND> <NOT> peach

    Specifies the order in which search elements must occur in the document. Used with PARAGRAPH, SENTENCE, and NEAR/N.
    van <ORDER> <PARAGRAPH> minister

    Assigns a relative importance, or weight, to search terms from 1 to 100, where 1 represents the lowest importance and 100 represents the highest.
    [50]science, [80]orange <IN> title

    Concept Operators
    Selects documents that contain all of the search elements you specify. (To search for the word AND, enclose AND in double quotes.)
    programs <AND> services
    programs “and” services

    Selects documents that include at least one of the search elements you specify. The more search elements that are present, the higher the score will be.
    <ACCRUE> (program, services)

    Selects documents that show evidence of at least one of the search elements you specify.(To search for the word OR, enclose OR in double quotes.)
    nation <OR> region
    left “or” right

    Proximity Operators
    Selects documents that contain specified values in one or more document zones. A document zone represents a region of a document, such as the document’s summary, date, or body text.
    red <IN> title

    Selects documents containing specified search terms, where the closer the search terms are within a document, the higher the document’s score.
    <CASE> minister <NEAR> farm

    Selects documents containing two or more search terms within N number of words of each other, where N is an integer up to 1000.The closer the search terms are within a document, the higher the document’s score.
    minister <NEAR/10> agriculture

    Selects documents that include all of the search elements you specify within the same paragraph.
    <CASE> Apple <PARAGRAPH> computer

    Selects documents that include a phrase you specify. A phrase is a grouping of two or more words that occur in a specific order.
    national <PHRASE> park

    Selects documents that include all of the words you specify within the same sentence.
    <SENTENCE> (crop, park)

    Evidence Operators

    Expands the search to include the word you enter and its linguistic variations.
    <STEM> film

    Expands the search to include the word you enter and its synonyms.
    <THESAURUS> rise
    <MANY> <THESAURUS> rise

    Expands the search to include the word you enter plus words that are similar to the query term.This operator performs approximate pattern matching to identify similar words. The number specifies the maximum number of transpositions in one word.
    <TYPO/3> sweeping

    Performs a basic word search, selecting documents that include one or more instances of the specific word you enter.
    <WORD> rhetoric

    Matches wildcard characters included in search strings. Certain characters automatically indicate a wildcard specification.

    Specifies one alphanumeric character.When the question mark is used,<WILDCARD>is unnecessary.

    Specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters. When the asterisk is used, <WILDCARD> is unnecessary.

    Relational Operators(Text Fields)
    Selects documents by matching the word or phrase you specify with the values stored in a specific document field. Documents are selected only if the search elements specified appear in the same sequential and contiguous order in the field value.
    title <CONTAINS> rural

    Selects documents by matching the character string you specify with the ending characters stored in a specific document field.
    title <ENDS> ter

    Selects documents by matching the character string you specify with values stored in a specific document field. Documents are selected only if the search elements specified match the field value exactly. If a partial match is found, a document is not selected.
    title <MATCHES> Canadian Rural Partnership

    Selects documents by matching the character string you specify with the starting characters stored in a specific document field.
    title <STARTS> beef

    Selects documents by matching the character string you specify with a portion of the strings stored in a specific document field.
    title <SUBSTRING> pork