Government of Canada

Privacy Notice Statement

You may wish to print this page for future reference as it contains important information.

Your privacy and the protection of your personal information is important to us. We will confirm your identity by matching the information you submitted on the log-in page with information contained in the Social Insurance Register, our Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and/or Old Age Security (OAS) program records. This information is needed for you to access and use the service you requested.

The collection, use and disclosure of personal information for this service is authorized and regulated by the Canada Pension Plan Act, the Old Age Security Act, and the Employment Insurance Act. Your information may also be used for policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes, which could require that information under the control of Human Resources and Social Development Canada and/or Service Canada be linked. In limited instances, we can share your information without your consent, but will do so according to the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act or the Department of Social Development Act.

The use, disclosure, and retention of your personal information for these services are described in the following Personal Information Banks: Canada Pension Plan SDC PPU 146, Canada Pension Plan SDC PPU 140, Old Age security SDC PPU 116 and Social Insurance Register SDC PPU 390.

The information you provide is protected under the Privacy Act, which gives you the right to access your personal information and request changes to incorrect information. Please write to the Privacy Coordinator in your region if you would like to access or correct your personal information, or require clarification about this notice. For more information on privacy issues and the Privacy Act in general, consult the Office of the Privacy Commissioner or call 1 800 282-1376.

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