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Notes for an address by

The Honourable Rona Ambrose

President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada,
Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and
Minister of Western Economic Diversification

Women Building Futures Funding Announcement

Edmonton, Alberta
April 13, 2007

Corresponding Document: News release (2007-04-13)

Good morning everyone.  

I am delighted to be here today on behalf of Canada’s New Government and the department of Western Economic Diversification Canada.

Today we are here to make a very important announcement, an announcement that will help Women Building Futures further their efforts in “building” women’s dreams.

I am so very proud that we have chosen to invest in an organization that focuses on fostering and nurturing the skills and abilities of every student that walks into this facility.

Sometimes in life, the most important turning point comes when someone opens the door for us and we choose to step forward and take a chance.

What Women Building Futures does is provide that chance, an open door that invites each of its students to step inside, challenge themselves, and believe that there are options here that will create new horizons for each student and their families. 

Alberta’s unprecedented economic growth is also opening doors to new opportunities for employment…especially for those who might otherwise face barriers to joining the workforce or entering non-traditional fields.

Women Building Futures improves the lives of the students who graduate from here.

It is also helping to address the current and future labour force requirements of the Province. 

That is why it gives me such pride to announce that Canada’s New Government, through the Department of Western Economic Diversification, is investing an additional $331,292 towards the Women Building Futures Training Facility.

This builds on our previous announcement of $850,000 and brings total funding to $1,181,292.

Today’s investment will ensure that the Women Building Futures Society can continue to renovate this warehouse into a training facility that will meet the needs and aspirations of its students.

As I stated earlier, our support for this project is about more than just a building…it’s about giving low-income and Aboriginal women a chance to build better lives for themselves and their families.

More than 200 women have already benefited from the training they’ve received through the Women Building Futures program…

…And once this facility is completed, as many as 400 women will graduate each year and enter the work force as apprentices.

All of Western Canada stands to benefit as more women, particularly Aboriginal women, enter the skilled trades and help strengthen our communities and economy.

With their energy and talent, this next generation of skilled workers and tradeswomen will help ensure the continued economic prosperity of both Alberta and the West.


Just as this training facility will enable students to achieve a secure future, Canada’s New Government is also working to ensure Canadians enjoy a standard of living and quality of life second to none in the world.

My colleague the Honourable James Flaherty, Minister of Finance, tabled the 2007 federal Budget – a plan that builds on and cements our Government’s vision for creating a stronger and safer Canada.

Budget 2007 includes an $800-million increase in annual support for post-secondary education...

…And $500 million per year starting in 2008-09 for labour market training to help Canadians get the training they need through new long-term arrangements.

We’re committed to working with provinces and territories to examine how the Alberta-British Columbia Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement could be applied more broadly.

To increase Aboriginal participation in the labour force, $35 million over two years will be added to the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership.

And to help employers meet immediate job shortages, an investment of $50.5 million over two years to improve the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

Previously, our Government also announced a new deduction of up to $500 to tradespeople for the cost of tools in excess of $1,000 that they must acquire as a condition of employment.

As well as an increase to $500 from $200 on the limit for the cost of tools eligible for the 100-per-cent capital cost deduction.

This measure will provide tax relief and reduce red tape for self-employed tradespeople and small businesses.

We will continue to build a stronger, safer, better Canada.

Today’s investment in the Women Building Futures Training Facility is a step in that direction.

I look forward to following the progress of this remarkable organization and the women who graduate from this program.

Once again, congratulations to everyone who has been involved with this project. 

I wish you every success as you move forward.

Thank you.