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Bucky Booster: Best Bass Line

Posted by Paolo Pietropaolo at 5:07 PM | » Post a Comment

Today marks the official half-way point of Buckys voting. Only 15 more days to go, folks!

From here on out, the intensity increases as bands continue to line up their supporters. And we're going to feed the fire. Over the next two weeks, keep your eyes on this blog for our picks - Radio 3 personalities and their friends will be boosting our favourite Buckys candidates, just as George Stroumboulopoulos played advocate for Tommy Douglas in The Greatest Canadian.

And I'll take the lead. The first time I heard The Wet Secrets' Secret March, the word "anthem" instantly sprang to mind. Before long I was driving up Vancouver's Main St with the windows down in the Mini Cooper I occasionally sign out from the car co-op, blasting that beautiful bass line and feeling on top of the world. That's because like all the best bass lines, not only does it act as a bedrock for the track, supporting all the other instruments, but it lifts you right up on its own.

That's why I'm voting for The Wet Secrets in the Best Bass Line category. I urge you to vote for them too!

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Calling All Gunslingers

Posted by Mark MacArthur at 4:45 PM | » Post a Comment

It's in my nature to try and find fault where there isn't any. Now I have made that admission, I would like to take issue with the majority of music festivals today.

Is it too much to ask to have an easily identifiable, clearly-stated direction apparent right in the title? Most names just don't give any clue - origins ranging from location (Glastonbury); corporate sponsorship (Virgin Fest); to complete nonsense (Bumbershoot, Lollapalooza) and I have a hard time nailing down exactly what I should expect to hear at any of them. Potential ticket holders are essentially at the mercy of an ever morphing lineup pulling from every genre of music and Lord help you if your taste doesn't traverse every one of them. Thankfully Vancouver's Festival Of Guns will save us all.

Named for the affinity rock guitarist have for calling themselves ‘gunslingers', the 6th annual F.O.G. is about to descend on Vancouver. So I know if I go (which I will) I'm going to be treated to 60 bands, all of which will have at least one thing in common: guns... I mean: guitars. Be it Punk, Rock, Indie, Hardcore, Metal, or any number of sub-sub genres, the festival organizers have worked hard to uncover some of the region's finest independent musical talent and bring it together for 4 nights of gunslingin' action (Nov 15th to 18th). Bands of note include The Manvils, The Great Outdoors, The Spitfires, and The Sessions.

Oh, and because I can't resist tacking on a shameless self-promotion plug onto the end of this post. I will be one of those 160 guitarists (if my calculated estimate of 2 guitars, 1 bass player per band holds any weight). I am one of two last minute bass players standing in for Hot Little Rocket's Matt Swan who had to leave town very unexpectedly.

Bring out your guns.

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For The Record Questionnaire: Christine Fellows

Posted by Jennifer Van Evra at 4:33 PM | » Post a Comment

Every week on the blog, we bring you the latest CD releases in an item called For The Record.

Today we're starting a new feature: the For The Record Questionnaire, where we ask Canadian artists about their new album. First up, the beloved Winnipeg song crafter, Christine Fellows.

Your Name:

Christine Fellows

Name Of Your New Album:
The album is called Nevertheless.

Story Behind The Name:
It's named after a poem by Marianne Moore. Moore was a celebrated poet and legendary spinster who lived and wrote in New York in the 1940's. She wore a black cape and tricorn hat, kept a pet alligator in her bathtub, won a Pulitzer, and loved baseball. The album is based partially on her life and work. » read more

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STARS Secret Myspace Show In Vancouver! This Sunday!

Posted by Lana Gay at 4:20 PM | 1 comment | » Post a Comment

I guess it's not so secret now, but Stars are playing Canada's third ever MySpace Secret Show November 18th at The Media Club in Vancouver.

The show is free for attendees on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more details, click here.

Also, If you can't get to a gig and would like some official Stars gear, they've just opened their own online store. If you register you could win $100 in free merch. If you win, don't forget about your pal Lana (size M) who told you about the store.

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Tour Diary - Rebekah Higgs

Posted by Lisa Christiansen at 3:48 PM
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It's a first. After nearly a year of Tour Diary installments, Haligonian Rebekah Higgs is the first singer I have ever interviewed who travels with paper mache rabbits. True, I've never asked, but I think it's a safe bet to assume she's the one and only.

On the phone from a tour stop in St. John, New Brunswick, Rebekah talked about her Subaru-fueled tour and her thrift shop finds that quickly fill up the car and her on stage wardrobe. But for her CD release party Friday night in Halifax she'll be wearing the outfit seen here, and the bunnies will be in attendance, too.

Tour dates after the jump: » read more

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Whetting Your Appetite with Fantastical Thoughts

Posted by Lisa Christiansen at 2:17 PM
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Ghost stories are like buying a lottery ticket. For a brief moment you believe...

My comrade Mary-Anne Korosi sent me this news story about security camera footage from a gas station in Parma, Ohio. It seems to show a blue ghost moving around outside near the cars. Or maybe it's an angel, says one of the customers; another wades in with the requisite "I think there was a native burial ground here once."

I've watched it a few times just because I like the thrill of imaging it really is something strange, unexplainable. And when we hear of the hoax - even that will be pretty great. I mean, why pick a gas station in Ohio, why make the ghost blue, and why in November - Halloween was weeks ago (as an aside - why do news anchors feel a need to speak in those inane phrases "say Dick, high gas prices aren't the only thing scaring people at this service station...")?

But for a brief time, like this past weekend when I imagined winning the $37 million from the 649, I look around me and feel like the landscape has changed. Things I couldn't see before are now right before my eyes. I didn't win and that real angel - Chris the master Vegas illusionist will probably fill us all in soon enough.

Of course there's always a few whiffs of the gas...that always makes me feel like a millionaire and see ghostly images, too!

Back to reality here, I'll be hosting a radio show and won't bring up scary gas prices stories, but I will take you to a riot, courtesy of Stars, bring you an interview with Vancouver's Elizabeth, Day 4 of the Song I'm Not Sick of Yet, and play a tune from a band you might not know made it into the 100 Top Canadian Albums.

Stay tuned...if you dare.

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Dave Bidini Q&A;: Around The World In 57 1/2 Gigs

Posted by Jennifer Van Evra at 1:51 PM
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When the Rheostatics split last year, their diehard fans were heartbroken. No more epic live shows. No more albums to add to the prolific discography. No more double-necked guitars with maple leaves on them and songs about heading west on tour or about the Canadian Conservative Youth Party Alliance. The band - a favourite for more than two decades - played a final show at Massey Hall, and it was over.

Guitarist and singer Dave Bidini wasn't happy, either. But instead of crying over spilt Rheos, the writer and musician decided to pick up and take off to find rock 'n' roll in faraway lands. The result is Bidini's new book, Around The World In 57 1/2 Gigs.

R3: Why did you want to write this book?

DB: I wanted to do a book that was wider in scope than the last two I had done. I just thought it would be good to get off the couch and into the world and force myself to do the writing through experiential travel as opposed to straight memoir. So it was good to get out there and rattle around a little bit and write about what I saw. » read more

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Live On Web Radio with Grant Lawrence: Pump DOWN The Volume??

Posted by Grant Lawrence at 10:55 AM | 53 comments | » Post a Comment

Coming up today on Grant Lawrence Live, 3PM ET / noon PT on CBC Radio 3's web radio:

Volume. Music. The two go together like vinyl on a turntable, strings on a guitar, moustache on a banger. But when does live music become songs for the deaf?

I received an email from a listener the morning after the Caribou tour migrated through Winnipeg. This listener was a huge fan, bought an advance ticket, and eagerly counted down the days to the show. She left three songs into Caribou's set. Why? Deafening decibels that cut through her ear plugs and bass lines that could dislodge the spine. Apparently, the volume ruined the songs. This leads us to our...

Poll Question of the day:


YES - 76%

NO - 24%

Yes or no? Are venues blasting us into the street with painfully loud PAs? Do bands need to play that #*!% loud? Doesn't it seem strange when a club full of people simultaneously pull out earplugs when the headliner goes on, ironically blocking out the sound of the show they just paid for? Must a club crank music between bands? Can't we talk with our friends at a normal level at any point of the night without screaming over the music?

Or... is that just a bunch of whining about one of the most visercal experiences on earth, a live, loud rock n roll show? Is volume part of the experience? Are earplugs for idiots? Was rock and roll and all its satellites made to be played loud or not at all? If it's too loud, are you too old? Is there such a thing as mid-to-low-volume hardcore, rap, punk, or metal beyond your iPod?

Please post your comments below.

Place your vote and share your volumous opinions and stories - good and bad- and we'll discuss your comments on today's show.

One lucky listener will win a set of CBC Radio 3 earplugs.

A CBC Radio 3 insider scoop: Lisa Christiansen CRANKS the studio speakers, Tariq likes his headphones at 11, and Lauren Burrows keeps the levels whisper-quiet at all times... what are you volume habits?

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Image of the Day: November 15, 2007

Posted by John Paolozzi at 10:53 AM
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Today's image, littlebullhorns, submitted by Alex Cairncross.

We're always on the lookout for great photography, so if you'd like to check it out, and maybe share some of your shots, please join our Flickr pool.

And be sure to check out our newest Flickr pool, CBC Radio 3: Last Night's Gig... a community dedicated to capturing artists in their natural habitat.

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News Fix: November 15, 2007

Posted by Marie Bartlett at 10:39 AM | 3 comments | » Post a Comment

Stun gun death on video. CBC

Young Pakistanis turn to web for protest.

David Letterman will pay his staff's salaries. Fafarazzi

French transportation strike extended. Reuters

Imran Khan,
the Pakistani opposition leader, arrested yesterday after sending message 'my life is in danger'. Independent

China pursuing 'aggressive spying program'. US Commission. Breitbart

Chile receiving aftershocks after earthquake left 15,000 homeless. CBC

Possibly NSFW. 25 Dirty things you can learn from Google Trends... Kitchener... you dirty little weirdo! Zentastic

US Army deserters lose their bid to have the Supreme Court of Canada hear their cases. Globe and Mail

Dr. Garrett Lisi, a man happier on surfboard than in the lab, stuns physicists with theory of everything. Telegraph

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Music Notes: November 15, 2007

Posted by MAK at 10:00 AM | » Post a Comment

See photos of Kevin Drew on stage with Emily Haines @ Webster Hall, NYC. Pitchfork 

She's the One: Caribou gets the remix from Hot Chip & Kelley Polar. Pitchfork

Regina Spektor collapses before she was to take to the stage in Nashville. CMJ

Radiohead reveal album artwork for In Rainbows. NME 

The Breeders in the studio with Albini; Kim & Kelley Deal will perform for a charity in Chicago, Dec. 4. NME

Ministry to kick-off final tour in Vancouver, March 28. Chart

Amy Winehouse is booed by fans. Yahoo! UK

A Glasgow man purchases a pair of tickets to see Led Zeppelin for $170 thousand in a recent charity sale. Reuters

Survey says: people with a background in music tend to earn higher wages. Yahoo!

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Web Radio: The Craig Norris Hour - 11/15/07

Posted by Craig Norris at 7:05 AM
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I am one blessed S.O.B.

Throughout my radio and T.V. career, I've managed to meet and hang out with some pretty amazing people. The Amazing Kreskin, Joe Clark, Yanni, Amanda Putz, Geddy Lee, Shane MacGowan, Dave Thomas, Al Franken, Tie Domi, Tariq... among others.

I can now add to that list Mr. Igor Gouzenko. At least, that's who he said he was. Jittery and disoriented, Igor wandered into Toronto office of Radio 3, saying that he had some sensitive documents for Ernie Coombs. When informed of Mr. Coombs' passing, Mr. Gouzenko ran from the office screaming, "They got him. They got him, too!"

Hey, what're you doing this weekend?

The Craig Norris Hour airs Monday - Thursday: 12 noon ET
The show is pre-recorded an hour or so before you hear it, but I'll be checking the comments on the blog!

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R3TV Episode #31: "My First Time"

Posted by John Paolozzi at 12:06 AM | 11 comments | » Post a Comment

"They say you never get a second chance to make that first impression."
Abdominal - "Abdominal Workout" (this week's video, incidentally)

What kind of impression did your first gig make on you? I'm not talking first gig played, but first gig attended. R3TV producer Jordan Kawchuk tracked down some of our favourite artists to get the skinny on their first time.

Check it out, and tell us... what was your first gig?


YouTube :: Blip

Subscribe: iTunes
Direct Download: M4V (iTunes) | MOV (QuickTime) | AVI (DivX)

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New Music Canada Track of the Day for Thursday, November 15th, 2007: The Creepshow "Creatures of the Night"

Posted by Lana Gay at 12:03 AM | » Post a Comment

Not to sound nerdy, but I really miss making mixed tapes. I know it's very 80's, but there is just something about the pause-record-play that makes my heart flutter. Perhaps it's that mixed tapes require a smidge more love than burning a CD. To perfect the mix, you always have to find a 2 minute song to use up that last little bit of magnetic tape. And if you have a great record collection, mixed tapes used to be the only way to go.

Cassettes also require patience, unless you're willing to dub at high speed (and listen to your favourite tracks sung by Alvin and the Chipmunks).

Did I mention I also just re-watched High Fidelity for the 80th time?

Anyway, I made a tape for my pal Josh. He's the kind of guy who has a bowl of Cheerios tattooed over his heart and Minor Threat tattoo on his calf. When searching for the 2 minute song to fill the end of the tape, I found this gem from The Creepshow. They're a psychobilly group from Burlington, Ontario, and when I saw them in Vancouver I shook my tail off.

What a perfect end to Dance Mix ‘07...kidding.

Subscribe: iTunes | MP3 | OGG
Direct Download: iTunes | MP3 | OGG

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Hannah Sung on Web Radio: Does This Perm Go With My Mechanic's Outfit?

Posted by Hannah Sung on Nov 14, 2007 | 1 comment | » Post a Comment

Hi all! Join me this week as I do the ol' Radio3 thing. Please join
me. Or else I will feel so alone in that studio. So. Alone.

This week, we Namedrop The Two Koreas. I know this blog post is titled with a tongue-in-cheek jab at the ridiculous image of Kim Jong-Il but
truth be told, I simultaneously crack jokes and feel weirdly intense
about the whole North Korea thing, not so much in a George W
"axis-of-evil" way but more in that I feel for the citizens. Trapped!

I'm totally fascinated by docs on North Korea (and playing the
guessing game of how objective they are, which spy is lying, etc). I
also went to the DMZ last winter. It was mildly deflating. Not because
I expected drama, but because I didn't expect a Disneyland vibe, which
I'll admit, is there. Plus, a tour by an American soldier doesn't let
you forget the role the Cold War has played out on the Korean

Wow, I just got kind of heavy. In a blog post? Ok, shake it off.

So join me this week as I chat with The Two Koreas about how they got
their name.

Plus lots more goodies, of course.

My show debuts Thursday mornings at 3am Pacific/6am Eastern, then repeats Saturdays at 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern and Sundays at 6am Pacific/9am Eastern.


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Funny Who You Run Into On MySpace…

Posted by John Paolozzi on Nov 14, 2007 | 3 comments | » Post a Comment

So I'm on Luba's MySpace page (long story), and I notice Annie Lennox is one of her friends. I click, and who do I see on Lenox's page, but his Holiness himself, the 14th Dali Lama.


So this gets me thinking... if the Dali Lama is into MySpace... what about the Pope? And sure enough, Benedict XVI has his own page. If these are fakes, they're good ones. I'm absolutely positive the Dali Lama's page is real, and I'm pretty sure this really is the Pope's page, though his detail's section is almost too funny. Under "Children" he has "Love kids, but not for me.", and under "Occupation", he has "Pontificate", which is funny, but technically true.

Some other notable points...

:: The Pope at 2998, has fewer friends than the Dali Lama at 27,119.

:: People are generally nicer to the Dali Lama, or maybe the Pope just has a more open comment policy. (and the Pope appears to have a more eclectic group of friends)

:: If you start the players on their respective pages at the same time, you get a trippy mash-up.

:: The Pope has God as a friend, while the Dali Lama does not, so what does that tell you?

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Ziggy Stardust In Your Closet.

Posted by Lana Gay on Nov 14, 2007
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If you've ever wanted to dress like David Bowie, you're in luck! A British designer, Keanan Duffty, has released an entire line of Bowie inspired clothing through, get this, Target.

Target is only in America, but getting the entire Thin White Duke getup may be worth the drive.

I wonder if they have the black unitard from Labyrinth.

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Whetting Your Appetite with the Hippest Sounds

Posted by Lisa Christiansen on Nov 14, 2007
4 comments | » Post a Comment

I was thinking about hipsters this weekend. All because of Norman Mailer, that great man of letters died at 84. Amongst his many accomplishments, according to the New York Times, was a hipster intellectual.

Now I'm not sure if everyone feels the same way I do, but "hipster" is not the most complimentary of terms. In fact, in this office it is definitely a word that could result in very angry words. Not that any of us don't want to seem fashionable or culturally relevant, it's just we don't want to seem like ironic poseurs who don't know how to think for ourselves anymore.

So either the writer of Mr. Mailer's obit is kinder to hipsters or just maybe the word used to mean something different.

Maybe like hippies - those people who at one time stood for social change, only to become smelly and lazy - the word hipster used to mean something. Could it be that it was synonymous with ingenuity and enthusiasm for the arts and politics?

It's something to ponder. Perhaps I will reclaim the word and make it a source of pride. I will come to work tomorrow and say "I was at this art show and it was filled with hipsters..." and instead of eye rolling my colleagues will ask where I was and make a point of stopping by because it's obviously a very important event.

I'll keep you up to date on my progress.

On today's show I'll be joined by Oshawa's favourite sons Cuff the Duke. They have a new release called Sidelines of the City, that, depending upon the review you read, is either a lot country or a lot rock. Even those terms have meant different things at different times.

Join me at 3 p.m. PT for Appetite for Distraction.

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Broken Social Scene Gets Even Bigger; Metric Promises DVD

Posted by Jennifer Van Evra on Nov 14, 2007 | 1 comment | » Post a Comment

Just when you thought that Broken Social Scene couldn't possibly fit any more musicians on stage, it turns out there's just enough room for a few very special guests.

Dinosaur Jr. lead man Jay Mascis, Scott Kaneberg of Pavement, as well as Jeremy Shaw and Emily Haines of Metric (I know, I know, she's technically a BSS member too) will all join Broken Social Scene for a live show at Webster Hall in New York tonight. Also joining them will be American Analog Set's Andrew Kenny and Sam Goldberg as the stellar group performs songs from Kevin Drew's latest album, Spirit If..., as well as older BSS material.

Speaking of Metric, the Toronto group has just announced that it will release its first-ever concert DVD in February. Shot at Montreal's Metropolis, Live At Metropolis includes performances of favourites including "Live It Out," "Combat Baby," "Poster of a Girl" and "Monster Hospital."

"We have always and will always love the city of Montreal," said Shaw in an interview, "so it only made sense to film the DVD there."

An audio preview of the DVD - including live performances of "Patriarch on a Vespa," "The Police and the Private" and "Too Little Too Late" will be made available on iTunes in December.

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Mad TV Spoofs Feist Video

Posted by Jennifer Van Evra on Nov 14, 2007
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It's one thing to get your music into ads and on TV shows. But you know you've really hit the bigtime when a major comedy troupe spoofs your work.

As you undoubtedly know - how can you not? - Feist is absolutely everywhere these days, thanks to the iPod ad that features her video for the ridiculously catchy, gets-lodged-in-your-head-for-days song "1 2 3 4".

Now, Mad TV has created its own hilarious take on the Feist video, which is one single shot in a warehouse space, and includes a pack of colourfully-dressed dancers.

Check it out here.

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