National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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What's New

2007 June
Canada's first Neutron Reflectometer Officially Open

2007 February
NRC Reaches Out to Industry Clients.

2006 August
NRC-CNBC Staff develop new facility for hydrogen storage research.

2006 July
The 9th Summer School on Neutron Scattering.

2006 April
NRC President to Address Summer School
We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Pierre Coulombe, the President of NRC, will talk to the attendees of the 9th Summer School on Neutron Scattering on the evening of June 5th.

2006 March
"Hot Article" as chosen by the editors of Biochemistry. Orientation of Cholesterol in Polyunsaturated Membranes

2006 February
Upcoming events at Chalk River Summer 2006
Symposium for Bill Buyers - Sunday 4th June The 9th Canadian Summer School on Neutron Scattering - 5th to 8th June Neutron Reflectometry Workshop - Friday 9th June

2006 January
The National Research Council at Chalk River will be running a summer school on neutron scattering techniques and applications.

2005 July
NRC's President Visits Chalk River Laboratories.

2004 December
A New Neutron Instrument with a 2D Detector. After being used in a variety of test applications for the past year, the image plate is now part of a new instrument being installed at the NRU reactor during the winter of 2004-05.

2004 October
Fall Colloquium Schedule

2004 August
This was the eighth summer school that has been conducted at Chalk River, and attracted more participants than ever. There were 44 attendees, the majority of whom were Canadian graduate students (36 students attending from 9 universities across Canada), and the rest including students and researchers from Canada, the USA, Europe and Asia. 2004 Summer School...

2004 June
Dr. Arthur Carty, National Science Advisor to the Prime Minister, was in the Ottawa Valley on June 20 delivering a public lecture on Big Science. The lecture was the first in a series held as part of the summer school run by the National Research Council at Chalk River Laboratories.

2004 January
We are pleased to announce that this summer there will be another Summer School on Neutron Scattering here at Chalk River.

2003 November
Colloquium Announcement: Dynamic Structure of Membranes: The Concerted Use of Bilayer Diffraction and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

2003 September

In September we were pleased to welcome Dr. Rob Robinson from the Bragg Institute in Australia. His institute is part of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), who currently operate a reactor of a similar age to the one here at Chalk River. A new Australian neutron facility is currently being constructed however.

2003 July

We are pleased to report that Jamie Noël (University of Western Ontario) has won the 2003 Lash Miller Award from the Canadian Section of the Electrochemical Society.

2003 June

Neutron News Volume 14 #2 came out recently, as an edition focused on the neutron beam laboratory at Chalk River.

As the summer begins, the CNBC numbers have grown with the arrival of a number of new scientists, visiting researchers and students..

2003 March

the CNBC welcomes its new director.

2003 February

A Summer School on Texture and Crystal Plasticity will be held at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario from 26-30 May. Dr Conlon from the CNBC will be one of the lecturers at the school, which will cover neutron, X-ray and electron techniques in texture measurement.

2003 January

Eric Svensson, a senior member of the scientific staff at the CNBC retired this month.

We were pleased to receive a visit from the Honorable Don Boudria to the laboratory this month.

Construction continues to the CNBC offices, new photographs of the building are available.

2002 November

A new development in our understanding of frustration has been made by a neutron scattering scientist at the National Research Council (NRC), working in an international collaboration between Canada, France and the UK.

Construction begins on the extension to our office building. The new offices will provide space for 10 people, to accommodate the growth in the neutron program and provide a comfortable working environment for visiting researchers. Read more about the construction project.

2002 October

Dr Bill Buyers, a principal research officer at the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre, has been honoured with a gold medal commemorating Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's golden jubilee. Read more about the award.

2002 August

CNBC annual report

Copies of our annual report are now available. To request a copy contact Alastair McIvor.

Read about a recent piece of collaborative work involving the CNBC and staff from the NRC's Institute for Research in Construction (IRC). The report on Circumferential Failures in Gray Cast Iron Distribution Pipes is available on-line at the IRC web site.

2002 July

Dr. Alan Shotter the Director of TRIUMF will be visiting us on August 9th. Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, TRIUMF is located on the UBC campus and provides world-leading facilities for experiments in subatomic research with beams of pions, muons, protons and neutrons. Dr. Shotter will give a presentation RADIOACTIVE BEAMS - A NEW PERSPECTIVE AT TRIUMF in the building 508 conference room at 10:30 am, refreshments will be provided. You can see the abstract of the presentation on Radioactive Beams.

2002 June

We were pleased to hear that one of our visiting researchers won an award for his recent work here at Chalk River. Larry Unsworth, a Ph.D. candidate from the department of Chemical Engineering, McMaster University, had used neutron reflectometry to examine the surface of medical implants to discover more about blood clot formation. Larry received the Jervis Award from the Canadian Nuclear Society for this piece of research, at the CNS conference in Toronto on June 4th 2002. This project is ongoing, and Larry has visited us again this month. Read more about his neutron reflectometry work which won the award.

Information about our latest instrument, the D3 reflectometer, has been added to the web site.

We are proud to announce that David Dye has won an award from ASM International for his outstanding paper "Modeling of the Mechanical Effects Induced by the Tungsten Inert-Gas Welding of the IN718 Superalloy." The paper was co-authored by Hunziker, Reed, and Roberts.
The Marcus A. Grossmann Young Author Award was established in 1960 in memory of an eminent metallurgist, research director and author, who was President of ASM in 1944, to honor the author(s) under 40 years of age (at the time of publication) whose paper has been selected as the best of those published in a specific volume of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions.
Presentation of the Marcus A. Grossmann Young Author Award will be made at a black-tie Awards Dinner on Oct. 7, at the Hyatt Regency Columbus at Greater Columbus Convention Center.

The Summer School last month was a great success. You can read about it, and download copies of the lecture notes from the Summer School pages.

2002 April

We are pleased to announce that D. Allan Bromley, Sterling Professor of the Sciences at Yale University, will be the keynote speaker at this year's Summer School on Neutron Scattering.

2002 March

Visit by the Minister of Natural Resources: NRCan Minister, Herb Dhaliwal came for a tour of Chalk River Laboratories on March 23rd.

Public Seminar. Two researchers from the CNBC and a colleague from AECL will be delivering a presentation to the Canadian Nuclear Society titled: Life Without a Crystal: An Overview of Neutron Holography and its Potential Applications. This CNS talk will take place at the J L Gray building in Deep River at 8 pm in the evening of March 19th.

2002 January

The Schedule is announced for the June 2002 Neutron Scattering Summer School.

Neutron Holography break-through: a new technique pioneered by CNBC and AECL scientists.

The new-look CNBC web-site goes live.

Date Modified: 2007-07-31
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