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No. A 008/07
For publication October 10, 2007


HALIFAX, NS – Gerald Keddy, Member of Parliament for South Shore-St. Margaret's, on behalf of the Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, today announced that a proposal submitted by Canada's New Government to protect critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whales has been adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The IM. has designated the Roseway Basin, an area approximately 20 nautical miles south of Cape Sable Island Nova Scotia as a recommended seasonal "Area to be Avoided" (ATBA). The designation is intended to protect Right Whales by reducing the risk of ship/whale collisions.

"We are delighted that the IM. has designated the Roseway Basin as an "Area to be Avoided"," said Mr. Keddy. "Mariners will receive all the information they need to avoid collisions with Right Whales in the Roseway Basin. We are confident that the adoption of this proposal will have a significant positive impact on the Right Whales' road to recovery from the brink of extinction."

"Preservation of North Atlantic Right Whales is an important part of the commitment by Canada's New Government to better protect our natural environment," added Mr. Cannon. "The ATBA fits with other recent Transport Canada initiatives to protect the marine environment such as new aerial surveillance technology to detect marine polluters and new ballast water control regulations to protect against invasive species in Canadian Waters."

"The adoption of the Area to be Avoided is an important part of the Government of Canada's Right Whale Recovery Plan, led by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, to promote the viability of this majestic and endangered mammal," said the Honourable Loyola Hearn, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, who is responsible for the recovery of aquatic species at risk. "This initiative shows that when Canadians from different sectors work together, we can make a real difference in protecting our wildlife and helping them recover."

This initiative was implemented following extensive consultations with the shipping community, whale biologists – including the Canadian Whale Institute – environmental groups, and government agencies to examine relevant information and management options. The adoption of the designation of the Roseway Basin as an ATBA was deemed to be the most effective approach to reduce ship/whale collisions, while maintaining safe and efficient marine operations. The newly designated ATBA will be in place prior to the return of the Right Whales to the Roseway Basin in the spring and summer of 2008.

"For Canadians concerned about the survival and recovery of the North Atlantic Right Whale, the ATBA is great news," said Dr. Moira Brown, Senior Scientist with the Canadian Whale Institute.

"This science-based conservation initiative demonstrates that industry, biologists, and government can successfully collaborate to help in the recovery of an endangered species by reducing the potential for Right Whale and vessel interactions. The implementation of the ATBA is a major step forward in helping the Right Whale to recover."

For more information on the North Atlantic Right Whale, visit the Canadian Whale Institute's website at:

A backgrounder on Protecting the North Atlantic Right Whale Through International Designation of Roseway Basin is attached.

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Karine White
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities
(613) 991-0700
Steve Bone
Transport Canada Atlantic Region
(902) 426-7795

Dr. Moira Brown
Canadian Whale Institute, New England
(617) 226-2195

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North Atlantic Right Whale Habitat

The Roseway Basin, located approximately 20 nautical miles south of Cape Sable Island Nova Scotia, is one of only two known areas where large numbers of North Atlantic Right Whales gather on a seasonal basis in Canadian waters. In fact, Roseway Basin, along with the lower Bay of Fundy, and three critical habitat areas in United States waters are the only areas in the western North Atlantic where Right Whales are known to repeatedly gather on a seasonal basis for several months at a time. Each of these important habitats is intersected by or located near major shipping routes. The Roseway Basin is an important feeding and socializing habitat for this critically endangered species, which scientists estimate number only about 400 individuals today.

Right Whale Protection History

The recommended seasonal "Area to be Avoided" (ATBA) designation is the most recent of several measures Canada has taken to protect North Atlantic Right Whales. In recognition of its importance to the very survival of the Right Whale population, a portion of Roseway Basin was designated by Canada in 1993 as a Right Whale Conservation Area. In 2002, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) unanimously adopted the Canadian proposal to amend the Bay of Fundy Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) reducing the relative probability of a ship strike in this area by approximately 80%.

Canada's Proposal to the IMO

Canada proposed the establishment of a recommended seasonal ATBA for ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards during the seven-month period from June 1 to December 31 when the largest percentage of Right Whales is known to be in the area and when the risk of ship strikes is greatest. Overall, the impact of the ATBA to transiting ships is expected to be minimal.


The IM. Maritime Safety Committee adopted Canada's proposal at its 83rd session in Copenhagen Denmark October 3-12, 2007.

The newly designated recommended seasonal ATBA takes effect six months after adoption. It will be in place prior to the seasonal return of the Right Whales to the Roseway Basin in the spring and summer of 2008.

The ATBA will be in effect from June 1 until December 31 each year. Many groups with varied interests have come together to take the action required to put in place this new, safe and efficient designation that will make the Roseway Basin a much safer place for the North Atlantic Right Whale.

Informing Mariners

A Notice to Mariners will be issued in the near future to advise mariners of the new ATBA. The Canadian Notices to Mariners annual edition and the Sailing Directions for the Atlantic Region provide detailed information about Right Whales in the Roseway Basin and Grand Manan Basin Conservation Areas with precautionary measures for reducing the risk of an interaction. The 2008 edition will be updated to include the Roseway Basin as an ATBA. Detailed information on avoiding ship strikes in the Roseway Basin is now available on the back of Canadian Hydrographic Service Charts 4011 and 4012 and future editions will identify the Roseway Basin as an ATBA.

October 2007

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