Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

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WD Programs

Partnership Programs | Direct Programs | National Programs | Legislation

Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) receives an annual allocation, approved by Parliament, for grants and contributions that support a wide range of programs responding to Western Canada's economic development needs and priorities.

Partnership Programs

A majority of WD's grants and contributions are delivered in partnership with other levels of government. These partnerships allow us to cost share initiatives that respond to regional needs and opportunities.

  • Western Economic Partnership Agreements (WEPAs) are multi-year funding commitments to strengthen economic activity and improve quality of life in western communities. WEPAs are cost-shared equally with each of the four western provinces, with a total of $200 million allocated to initiatives identified as federal and provincial priorities.
  • Urban Development Agreements are partnerships of federal, provincial and municipal governments working in collaboration on broad issues such as inner city revitalization, strengthened innovation or sustainable economic development.
  • Canada-Saskatchewan Northern Development Agreement is a five-year $20 million agreement that will help northern Canadians improve regional economic infrastructure, employment prospects, educational and business expertise. It will also increase research and industry innovation, and improve the region's ability to attract business investment.

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Direct Programs

WD's grants and contributions also support projects delivered directly by WD, either alone or in partnership with other organizations. Groups eligible to apply under these programs include universities and other post-secondary academic institutions, research institutes, industry associations and other not-for-profit organizations.

  • Western Diversification Program (WDP) invests in projects that support WD's strategic priorities of innovation, entrepreneurship and community economic development, including a number of partnership programs undertaken with other levels of government.
  • Loan and Investment Program allows financial institutions to supply loan capital to clients to whom it would not otherwise make loans. Under this program, WD contributes funds to a “loan loss reserve”, which partly offsets higher risks associated with eligible loans to small businesses. Eligible clients apply directly to the financial institutions partnered with WD under this program.
  • Canada Foundation for Innovation Support Program reimburses qualified western research institutions up to 90 per cent of eligible direct costs incurred, to a maximum of $20,000, to assist with the cost of preparing a Canada Foundation for Innovation proposal.  
  • Western Canada Business Service Network is a group of several independent organizations that receive funding from WD to provide a range of services to help create and build small businesses across the West.

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National Programs

WD delivers a number of national programs in the western provinces, including:

  • Urban Aboriginal Strategy, funded by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, aims to reduce the level of disparity that urban Aboriginal people currently face by tailoring government programs to address the local needs and priorities of Aboriginal people living in cities. WD was responsible for implementation of the Urban Aboriginal Strategy in British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba from the program's inception in 1998 to March 31, 2007. Service Canada delivered this initiative in Saskatchewan.
  • The Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund will invest $278 million in the West to improve and increase the stock of core public infrastructure in areas such as water, wastewater, culture and recreation. Delivered by WD in the West, the source of funding for this program is Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.
  • The Infrastructure Canada Program is a six-year program that has invested over $543 million in more than 1,600 projects that are improving the environment, supporting long-term economic growth and enhancing community infrastructure across the West. Although no new applications are being accepted, program funds are still being disbursed.

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Legislation that Governs Program Activity and Expenditures of WD Include:

Western Economic Diversification Act This link leaves our Web site : Promotes the development and diversification of the economy of Western Canada and advances the interests of Western Canada in national economic policy, program and project development and implementation. The Act requires that the WD Minister undertake three mandatory duties:

  • guide, promote and coordinate the policies and programs, including those related to industrial benefits, of the Government of Canada in relation to the development and diversification of the economy of Western Canada;
  • lead and coordinate the efforts of the Government of Canada to establish cooperative relationships with the provinces constituting Western Canada, business, labour and other public and private organizations for the development and diversification of the economy of Western Canada; and
  • compile detailed information on all programs and projects undertaken by the Minister for the purpose of measuring trends, development and progress in the development and diversification of the economy of Western Canada.

Small Business Loans Act This link leaves our Web site  and Canada Small Business Financing Act This link leaves our Web site : Authorize the development and expansion of small business across Canada in cooperation with financial institutions. Through this legislation, loan loss guarantees are provided to the financial institutions, which grant loans to eligible businesses as provided for under the Acts. The Small Business program is administered entirely by Industry Canada.