Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Telephone Numbers

Emergency Numbers

Maritime and Air Emergencies:

Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC)

Enviromental Emergencies, Pollution of any type, Land, Sea and Air Defective Aids to Navigation/Hazards to Navigation, Environmental Emergencies, Fisheries Related Incidents, Suspicious Marine Activity:

Canadian Coast Guard
Regional Operations Centre

Frequently Called Numbers

General Information in the Gulf Region
(506) 851-7747

Fisheries Management Branch
(506) 851-7721

Science Branch
(506) 851-6204

Policy and Economics Branch
(506) 851-7813

Communications Branch
(506) 851-7747

Corporate Services Branch
(506) 851-6603

Oceans Branch
(506) 851-7780

Small Crafts Harbours Branch
(506) 851-6580

Canadian Coast Guard
(902) 426-9318

Eastern New Brunswick Area
(506) 395-7702

Prince Edward Island Area
(902) 566-7931

Gulf Nova Scotia Area
(902) 863-5670

Tides and Water Levels